The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia Advertising Concept Testing
The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia (REIWA) challenged Insightrix to help them determine the engagement, attention, and emotional connection TV audiences had with REIWA’s recent “Take a Stickybeak” advertising campaign.
The lighthearted campaign was created to acknowledge that people like having a stickybeak (a curious person) at properties for sale and to see what’s happening in the market.
To measure the connection between the TV audience and the commercial, Insightrix conducted a facial expression analysis of the ad, which included the following steps:
A valence metric was also calculated to determine how pleasant the commercial viewing experience was.
Insightrix provided REIWA with a report detailing study results compared to norms for ads in Australia. The report included analysis by age, gender, and whether the respondent had previously seen the commercial.
The main findings were:
The analysis showed REIWA that they are on the right track with the campaign. The opportunities to vote and win great prizes resonate with audiences. Subtle changes could increase the emotional connection and reduce wear out. Insightrix provided these suggested creative changes to REIWA.