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Marketing to Saskatchewan Millennials

Trying to figure out millennials and how to market to them effectively has been quite the topic of discussion of late. Actually, every time we are on the cusp of a new generation set to become the primary purchasers in Canada, we flock to their archetype and often attempt to exploit it.

But it seems nobody can get a handle on who these millennials are and what they are all about.

What a typical millennial problem…

According to StatCan, this demographic makes up a significant portion of the population of Saskatchewan – not only that – but we actually have more young people, per capita.

So… shouldn’t there be a way to understand their media habits and ensure advertising can effectively target them?

This head-scratcher is often brought up at Insightrix in attempt to better segment younger users and learn their media behaviours (This is similar to what we’ve recently accomplished for a favourite CFL brand, the Saskatchewan Roughriders).

To better understand millennials and their media behaviours, Insightrix recently examined its Saskatchewan Digital Democracy syndicated series, which answers questions like: 

  • What social media platform is most popular among teens, millennials, gen-X’ers or baby boomers in Saskatchewan?
  • How many residents are engaging with more than one social platform, and if so, which ones?

The syndicated study measures media usage among generations, including determining the ways people in Saskatchewan connect and their preference of social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter or Instagram.

This syndicated study continues our ongoing Saskatchewan Data Insider Series which tracks how Saskatchewan engages online. 

If you’re interested in a teaser report outlining how, access it free here.


When it comes to individuals aged 26 to 31 in the province – 97% use social media of some kind.

Here’s a breakdown of social media usage by millennials:

Though you might not guess it – believe it or not – most millennials believe they spend too much time on social media, while 42% say the time they spend on these sites is, “about right”. Only 1% said they believed they should spend more time on social media:

Not only that, but more than half of SK millennials (54%) claim checking their phone is the last thing they do before bed. 

Because millennials think they spend too much time on social media, it can said that over promoting to this group has its drawbacks because of the over exposure it may cause. Millennials are the group that is more likely “hide” your social media promotions if they crowd their news feeds. 

Do you think millennials are easy or hard to market to? 



Syndicated Series

In our syndicated report, you’ll find further information about social media usage of millennials in Saskatchewan, as well as media habits across other age demographics. This data can inform your advertising efforts, giving you a valuable addition to your marketing toolkit.

For a social media snapshot, access your free eBook and get highlights from the syndicated report.

Or, even better, purchase the entire report and gain an understanding of the media habits of Saskatchewan residents across all age demographics.