20 Apr President and CEO, Corrin Harper, will be speaking at the next Data for Good meetup in Regina on April 24
Corrin will be presenting a recent study by Insightrix that profiled the non-profit sector in Saskatchewan on behalf of the Saskatchewan Nonprofit Partnership – the first ever of its kind.
The study that will be discussed provided a richly detailed profile of the non-profit sector, identified top challenges in the sector and examined finance and grant application efforts while providing an idea of the differences (and similarities) of the research requirements that exist in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.
The presentation will be held at 6:00 PM at the University of Regina – Administration Humanities Bldg, in the AH 527 Boardroom. For more information, check out the Data for Good Regina website.
Data for Good
Data for Good is a Canadian organization that gives back by volunteering their data science expertise to help non-profits and not-for-profits. They organize statisticians and analysts, marketers and market researchers and developers and data scientists of all kinds to lend their data acumen to help out by providing services like sector profiling, employee engagement studies, data gathering, data cleaning and interpretation, website and dashboard construction and a host of other necessary functions. They regularly host meetups, presentations and datathons presented by their regional chapters.
If you’d like to learn more about this organization and how Insightrix is involved, check out the Data for Good episode of Stories of Market Research: The Insightrix Podcast, where we speak to co-founders Joy Robson and Jeff Zakaib to get the scoop on how the movement of volunteering in data science is helping non-profits, not-for-profits and NGOs in Canada.