
A new independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research, Inc., shows the SaskParty maintains a sizable lead in the upcoming election.  Among decided voters, 54% plan to cast their ballot for the incumbent while 35% plan to vote for the Saskatchewan NDP....

Testing UX with insights professionals prioritizes user experience to help guide and improve your design at all stages of development. UX research goes beyond the feedback survey – if you want user research to help inform your usability design, you might want to go with an outside agency to help collect data about user behaviour that focuses on pain points, cultural factors and more. While market research and user research are not one in the same, you will find agencies that employ UX experts – like Insightrix – can offer UX research that looks beyond attitudinal behaviours to discover insights by understanding REAL end user behaviour. Below are just a few of the ways a market research agency with dedicated UX researchers could be your best bet when it comes to testing your next website, product, packaging or application. User-Centric Design Put your user in the decision seat. Insights agencies employ professional, trained research experts who have access to the latest testing technologies, in-depth market knowledge and most up-to-date research methodologies. By including a market research team into your development cycle, your next app or website will benefit from the actionable insights they can uncover – resulting in a better, more user-centric product. While market research often focuses on the "why" – there are research methods we employ to help analyze behaviour that go beyond the questionnaire. For example, Insightrix recently employed our Young Adult Market Research Online Community to develop a mini UX project with our young community members. In doing so, Insightrix created a small research project – where our young adults participated in a series of small exercises at each phase of the product development. At stage one, we asked the community about design pain points and user interactions with the design in question. We received the responses - and we were able to make a decision within three hours from running the exercise. At stage two, we asked our community to discuss the new UX changes based on their feedback among themselves. Again, we were able to achieve deep qualitative reporting within hours on the changes we made to the UX based on their feedback. Rather than stop here at a purely attitudinal approach - we decided to probe further to understand their actual behaviour. At stage three, we narrowed in on specific behaviours – how long did it take for them to log in? What specific information did they find when signing in? How easy was it to get from point A to point B? Market research listens to what people have to say. And to employ UX research, it is important to also understand what they do when they interact with a website, application or product design. Oh, you’ve got a snowball sample… that’s adorable… Why wouldn’t you turn to the experts with the largest, most well-developed and targeted participant groups that are available for your next UX testing project? Insights agencies like Insightrix have access to massive numbers of engaged research participants. What’s more, these sample groups are usually well-versed in the research process themselves – having in some cases been members of research panels for years. Take our largest online market research panel - SaskWatch Research®. SaskWatch has an available sample group of more than 18,000 Saskatchewan residents. Regardless of their location, Insightrix has been collecting valuable normative data for years to help segment our participants to match exactly what your usability testing requires. Having access to a large and engaged research sample gives insights agencies the benefit of being able to develop research participant groups who are specifically targeted to your UX research needs. No matter who your app or website is aimed at serving, market research agencies can enlist participants who would actually use it to work in the testing process. This means that when your project comes out of testing, it will have the best user experience available for the groups who would use it in the real world. For example, a recent usability project we ran included understanding the needs of job seekers in a specific marketplace. To understand job seekers in this specific marketplace, it was important for Insightrix to understand who lives in that marketplace. From there, we were able to identify core target groups who helped define the personas for what a job seeker may look like. In effort to find the target groups (i.e., Graduates, Newcomers, Parents with Children in High School, etc.), Insightrix sent out a small screener to sample sets who met the target group requirements. If the member filled out the screener and qualified, we asked them a series of questions in the form of a scenario in which the target group may find themselves. For example, we may have asked the participant where to locate the directory for local businesses, or how to find the job board from the main page. By using a series of text analyses and heat maps supported by scenario-like questionnaires, we were able to combine the style of interaction with research participants, using UX techniques, to come to the best insights possible. Agile UX Research If you are testing a digital product like an app or a website, you should be doing your usability testing online too. It just makes sense. For Insightrix, we understand sometimes our participants are not always city-bound, and many live in rural areas where commuting is not always the quickest. We understand that our participants can’t always be in person for research – even for usability testing. That is why we power usability testing tools that allow for remote UX testing. But when is that really important? Think of it this way… if you require your application to be tested with participants who live in a rural area and, say, farm for a living...

Who knew passive data collection could make research so convenient? Passive data collection, sometimes called passive data metering, is a valuable addition to the research toolkit, especially in cases where your research requires segment-specific, timely and accurate data about your customers' online behaviours and habits. Over the past half century or so, market research data collection has been done through traditional methods. Where once traditional data collection was accomplished mostly through face-to-face techniques like focus groups or in-depth interviewing, data collection soon leveraged technology, and by the 90s, data collection was being done remotely by telephone. Then, in the 2000s, market research began to move much of its data collection to the internet, using online panels to conduct surveys, hold discussions or perform interviews with participants. This progression led to more an easier and more thorough collection process that led to greater amounts of better developed data for insights professionals to analyze – resulting in deeper and more actionable insights for their clients. But these newer techniques that were facilitated by technology had one thing in common – they were still reliant on traditional, active market research methodologies to collect the necessary data – like focus groups, in-depth interviews, discussions, etc. Now, over the past several years, a new data collection method has become available to insights professionals - passive data collection. With that in mind, let's find out what passive data collection is all about and how it could benefit your next research project. The Art of Passive Data In a nutshell, passive data collection is a method by which data is collected without the active participation or direct involvement of the participants who are being studied – all with the full knowledge and consent of those who participate. Passive Data metering can record the user’s activity, such as website search history, app usage, streaming media usage, social media activity and much more, all with the permission of the user. This activity is collected by the app and then analyzed by insights professionals. It’s actually pretty simple, really – but the complexity and richness of data that results is anything but. Skip the Surveys What is important about passive data collection is that it is just that - passive. It does not ask for any active participation from research participants. All they have to do is what they would do normally, and the data flows in. Compare this with active data collection methodologies like surveys or interviews where participants must consciously take part in every part of the data collection process. Sometimes self-reported data isn’t as reliable – I mean, we are humans and human error is often an issue for studies that require things like recall. For example, asking someone how many times they’ve seen an advertisement on YouTube may be hard to remember – but passive data eliminates that notion completely. Whether they are self-reporting seeing an advertisement several times, the passive data approach will identify if they have seen the advertisement, when they saw it, and if they did anything to engage with it further – now that is real insight! Passive data collection removes the burden of reporting from the participant and allows them to participate in the research process with little to no effort on their part. Get an Authentic Picture of Your Actual Customers Active data collection techniques definitely have their place and are still a valuable research tool, but they all have one thing in common: they rely on what a participant tells you rather than on their actual, real-life behaviours. Using passive data metering, you get a front row seat to all your customers’ behaviours as they relate to your brand – and your competitors. Achieve better representation - When you monitor users’ online behaviours, you can tell exactly who your customers and potential customers really are through observing their actions, not just what they say. Combine this with thoughtful and active targeted research recruiting, and you can learn even more about your target customer and their preferences. Remove the guesswork - Knowing exactly where your target customer is going online and what they are doing saves brands time, energy and money. More than that, through metering participants’ online behaviour, companies can gain valuable insights relating to other areas of interest they may have that can be integrated into marketing initiatives, advertising campaigns or product offerings. Complement traditional research - Earlier we mentioned that traditional research still very much has a place in market research and that could not be more true! When you engage with participants in active data collection, you are engaging them on a conscious level – getting their thought out and well-considered opinions. These opinions are incredibly valuable, as they represent what participants want you to know – you don’t have to be a genius to know how valuable that kind of information can be. When combined with passive metering, the increased depth and quality of the data collected is undeniable – and the recommendations based upon it are even more relevant and actionable. Passive Data Collection at Insightrix Insightrix Passive Data Metering is a valuable stand-alone research methodology, or it can act as a complement to more traditional, active data collection techniques. Data on the internet is not just widely available – it can provide companies with real, actionable results. Don’t miss out on the opportunity it presents. If you would like to know more about Insightrix Passive Metering, please fill out the form below to download our brochure. And if you already know passive data collection is perfect for your next research project, contact us. hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "374811", formId: "90224d74-059f-4167-9bc7-e0c73048b527" }); ...

For our clients, having access to their research results in a convenient and centralized repository where they can view and assess data in real time, as it comes in, is crucial. That's why at Insightrix, we are proud to incorporate TIBCO Spotfire technology to provide our clients access to their research reporting. Check out the infographic below to discover some of Spotfire's features and how Insightrix Portals can benefit your next research project. Would you like to download this infographic? Just fill out the form below to access your own .PDF copy. hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "374811", formId: "67f6f74f-172c-4009-a645-6fe7b5960aa2" }); ...

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." - Aristotle Customer experience (CX) and Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs are an essential element of business intelligence because they inform stakeholders about how customers view their organization. In general, they focus on: Understanding what drives customers attitudes and behaviors Predicting the future attitudes and behaviours of customers Maximizing customers' future positive attitudes and behaviours Our framework encompasses a holistic measurement of Customer Experience and Voice of Customer for both relationship and transaction surveys, driver analysis at the transaction level, priority setting among the different transactions, overall evaluation of different facets of the customer relationship and relationship driver analysis against an overall performance metric. Holistic Customer Experience Measurement There are two key components to this framework: 1. The relationship a customer has with the organization. 2. Direct feedback a customer has from a recent transaction/interaction with the organization. Using the quantitative framework outlined below, research is conducted in these two components simultaneously and is aimed at delivering a holistic outlook from a bird’s eye view of the organization, connecting the strategic elements of the business with its operational components. Relationship Surveys Relationship surveys are designed to gauge the entire relationship that a customer has with an organization and are less influenced by recent interactions/transactions. Their outcomes tend to be more stable and to fluctuate less over time. Relationship assessment surveys provide strategic guidance on organization-wide initiatives. Such surveys are longer (often 10-15 minutes in length) but are conducted among a relatively lower volume of customer respondents. As the nature of the underlying relationships (i.e., perceptions of high-level service experiences and overall value of the relationship) rarely changes quickly over time, it is not generally necessary to undergo continuous measurement for such surveys. Rather, they can be conducted periodically (i.e., annually). Transaction Surveys Feedback on transaction surveys is influenced by a customer's recent experience with an organization, often around a given process or “touch point” (e.g., a visit to the company's website, interaction with a technician or contact with a customer call centre). Compared to relationship surveys, post-transactional surveys tend to be less static and fluctuate more over a shorter period. Post-transactional measurement is appropriate for providing process improvement diagnostics and for measuring/managing the performance of mid- to lower-level managers in an organization (e.g., technician managers, customer service managers, call centre managers, managers with control of/responsibility for specific customer processes or services). For post-transactional surveys, the survey length is short (e.g., optimally, three to five minutes in length, content-focused on just one type of interaction or customer touch point, the volume of data collection is high and interviewing is conducted in as short a period of time as possible after the interaction. This way, individual process/service managers can receive feedback on the specific customer experience they are in control of and can be held accountable for the results. In designing this CX and VoC framework, we use an approach that recognizes these two types of surveys are different but connected, using the outline below. Linking Relationship Surveys & Transaction Surveys The linkage between the Relationship Surveys and Transaction Survey occurs in Service Culture. Essentially, on the Relationship Survey within the area of Service Culture, the survey has two parts: a series of statements at the strategic level about the level of service provided by the organization. These are typically more brand promise statements, such as “how would you rate the organization on being easy to work with? Showing interest in customers”? However, a section for those who might have had a recent transaction with the organization can also be included. This post-contact section within the relationship survey helps determine which of the touch points (i.e., Transaction Survey) drive the overall metric. However, in going beyond just the bird’s eye view we also encourage organizations to look inward and elicit feedback from their employees through an Employee Experience (EX) program. The overall goal of the EX program is to develop a transparent, two-way conversation process between the organization's management and front-line employees to address internal elements that contribute to CX concerns/issues. Beyond the Bird's Eye View Our approach recognizes that front-line employees play a critical role when it comes to delivering exceptional CX, as they possess a unique perspective of having direct experience with customers and insights on how customers are reacting to services. By empowering front-line employees to participate in the CX problem-solving process and by listening and incorporating their feedback, an organization will be able to secure greater buy-in from its front-line employees on future CX initiatives, better understand the customer service challenges front-line employees encounter and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the overall customer experience journey. This, in turn, will lead to more engaged and committed front-line employees who will further enrich the CX program - making it even more holistic. The recommended approach is to run both a quantitative survey aimed at collecting data over time on specific metrics as it relates to employee engagement that measure the impacts of specific changes or initiatives that have been implemented. We also recommend a qualitative discussion board that is aimed to collect more in-depth feedback on specific issues, with shorter turnaround. The intent of the qualitative piece of the research is to help organizations act fast and come up with solutions that are driven by employee feedback, creating stronger buy-in. This latter approach also allows organizations to rectify issues before they can cause a noticeable decline in key performance indicators (KPIs) collected through the quantitative piece of the research. These two research components work together to provide the full employee experience picture. However, in going beyond just the bird’s eye view we also encourage organizations to look inward and elicit feedback from their employees through an Employee Experience (EX) program. Would you like to know more about Insightrix CX Programs? To find out more about specific measures, timing, costs and how the Insightrix Holistic CX program could work for you, please contact Shonna Caldwell, our Chief Revenue Officer. ...

If you have ever wondered - then you can learn a lot from your competitors using web data extraction. Web data is accessible in many public domains - corporate websites, news forums and even social media like Twitter and Reddit. But even the most technically minded among us may run in the opposite direction when they hear anyone suggesting a  data extraction project. But, as an insights agency, we do not run away from data science - we run toward it. After all, it is quality data that drives our clients' business strategies. And, dare I say it - what is so scary about that? Web Data Extraction Accessing web data can be leveraged in a way that diversifies your data - but web data extraction using the traditional "Google search" can require a great deal of time and effort given the size of the "web jungle" out there. Our extraction solution is simple - by using proprietary software and processes, Insightrix can crawl the web using advanced programming capabilities, and scrape it for valuable information related to your brand or organization or any topic of interest. We have seen our clients use web data extraction results with great success - and since the internet is continuously growing, the volume of web data analyzed is increasing. In market research, web data extraction is employed for many facets of business: Historical data is valuable - Think about it this way; whether you are a public service, in agriculture or a consultancy, having insights into historical trends can be critical for any kind of trend analysis - especially pricing data. Support your R&D - Spending more time in R&D could mean...

Stay connected & informed with Employee Engagement surveys In today’s times, because of business problems brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, uncertainty has pushed millions to work from home. It is because of these concerns leaders in many organizations are looking to business continuity strategies they have already put in place. Many have already modified their business operations to accommodate this new reality we find ourselves in – a reality that requires immediate consultation with your employees to try and adapt processes to be more suitable to remote environments. In the current business landscape, with all the challenges and uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, it is critical to know how your employees are handling their work and whether they have the means and the support they need to succeed. Employee engagement seems like a bizarre thought when most of us are displaced and working by means of networks, video chats and instant messages. But what about letting them know they are heard and valued? Lift employee listening with employee surveys If you haven’t already done so, consider engaging with employees with regular questionnaires to check in on how your employees are managing during these unprecedented times. A pulse survey approach can be used with regularly scheduled surveys administered to staff every few weeks or so to track changes as your company implements new ways of managing day-to-day operations in response to COVID-19 and the reopening of the economy. You can use this data to see how your people are adjusting, what they may need or have questions about and areas where you can create more clarity for your staff around new procedures or policies. With more and more employees working from home, it is very important that employees stay connected to your organizational goals and modifiers are made to company cultures to accommodate for this change. Though it may look a bit different than it did a few months ago, listening to employees so you can get valuable information to continue to connect individual work to the greater good is extremely important for engagement and performance. Often it is the small things that are overlooked during times of quick decision-making. For instance, while organizations were busy preparing for overhauls in technology, software and networking capabilities – there was a spike in those working from home experiencing back pain and neck soreness from improper office equipment (Brandwatch Bulletin, 05/05/20). While organizations were preparing their technology capabilities, small things like office chairs, keyboards and mice were of utmost importance to those who have had to shift their way of working almost overnight. A continuance in culture A survey program is a great way to protect your work culture and continue to share your values – live your values. Showing employees their input is heard is vital to getting through this crisis and moving your company forwards both during and after COVID-19. Collecting your employee’s opinions lets them know you care about how they are feeling and managing during what is a stressful and challenging time for them. Employees have been through a lot over these past months and they will need continuing support and guidance from their organization. To move forward, organizations need to continue to show they are listening to their people – looking ahead and adapting to concerns and perceptions and modifying company cultures to accommodate new ways of working. It could be you are looking to get back to the office as soon as possible, or you may be looking to make remote working the new normal for your organization. Employee engagement surveys will give you the information you need to make these organizational changes with confidence. Through employee engagement surveys, you can get help understanding answers to questions like: What concerns or needs do employees have? How are managers handling things? Are employees clear on expectations in this changing environment? Do employees feel engaged? Are they connected to organizational goals? When you uncover issues and concerns among employees, you aren’t just informing your business strategy – you are showing that you are willing to listen to their concerns and act. Ensure employees are getting the right tools and information When you’ve launched your employee engagement surveys, you will gain an abundance of information that will aid in decision-making – both now and in the new reality we will find ourselves in months from now. Employee engagement can be defined as the strength of the mental and emotional connection employees feel towards their places of work. To feel this connection, employees require: The right information The right equipment Managerial and organizational support Valuable insight to support strategic decisions Employee engagement surveys are an important tool in assessing and understanding how your people are coping and adjusting to new organizational procedures as we shift the future of work. They are also a powerful approach to both communicate to your employees that you are listening to their concerns and inform your business strategy. Interested in getting started on an employee engagement program? Contact us! We'd love to chat about getting started.    ...

Market research and data science are related entities; combining the insights from both disciplines leads to a deeper understanding of marketing issues. In general, there seems to be confusion about what “data science” is, and how it relates to traditional market research....

Have you been wanting to start listening to Stories of Market Research: The Insightrix Podcast, but don't know which episode to start with? Check out our handy episode guide to get descriptions and information about each podcast episode we've published so far....

Three of the Biggest Market Research Trends Since 2010 The world of market research has changed, meaning the role of a research supplier has been forced to change. With the evolution of technology, pressure building on clients to solve critical business problems and the need for more agile research solutions, the role of a market researcher can now be defined as an insights professional. Insightrix has responded to the evolution of trends in the industry by shifting our client service philosophy to provide innovative solutions and actionable insights, and by becoming more of a partner to our clients. The following infographic outlines how Insightrix has responded to three of the major trends impacting the market research industry over the last decade and the innovation we've engaged in to meet them. ...