
We are pleased to invite you to Top Brands in Saskatchewan and Top Brands in Manitoba, a MRIA event hosted by the Prairie Chapter of the MRIA, and Majid Khoury and Insightrix Research. These events will take place in the afternoons of April 25, 2017, in Regina, and April 26, 2017, in Winnipeg, and will give you the opportunity to connect with other marketing professionals and large brands in your area, and discover the right way to conduct research to build your brand strategy. Some of the area’s top brands to be discussed include: Manitoba Hydro Saskatchewan Rush Great-West Life SaskTel The Winnipeg Jets Conexus Credit Union And many others     More information can be found below, as well as through visiting the MRIA website, at:  https://mria-arim.ca/membership/chapters/prairie-chapter/prairie-chapter-events    Please sign up today, and join us!   Top Brands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba   Market research is one of the most important components in building a valuable brand strategy. Without a solid understanding of how your audiences currently perceive your brand, it’s difficult to strike the right balance of reality and aspiration in evolving your brand positioning. Majid Khoury, an advertising strategist, and Insightrix Research will illustrate real life examples of Saskatchewan and Manitoba companies and describe how their brands are perceived. With many local brands being studied, there is a chance your brand might be included! Come have lunch and find out! The presentation will outline strategies and methods for conducting brand research. We’ll focus on research techniques that will help you gain a real understanding of people’s perceptions, beliefs and behaviours. What you will take away: What are the top brands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba The right way to conduct research to build your strategy Common mistakes organizations make when conducting market research How market research informs your brand strategy.   Insightrix Research and Majid Khoury will be hosting this MRIA event over two afternoons in Regina and Winnipeg. Please join the Prairie Chapter of the MRIA in Regina on April 25, from 11:30 am until 1 pm in the Canadian South Room at Ramada Plaza (1818 Victoria Ave.), or in Winnipeg the following day (April 26) from 11:30 am until 1pm in the Promenade A room of the Norwood Hotel (112 Marion St.). Cost of admission is $40 for MRIA members, $45 for non-members. Register early, as seats are limited. Please go to https://mria-arim.ca/membership/chapters/prairie-chapter/prairie-chapter-events to sign up and register for this exciting event. Signing up is mandatory prior to registration. If you encounter any difficulties signing up for the event, or if you have any questions, please email us at Corrin.Harper@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

Research can be conducted for a number of reasons, one of which is to shape policy. Advocacy research’s main purpose is to influence formal and informal policies created by policymakers. Therefore, it is important to gather solid data so that your research clearly shows the needs or problems you want addressed. In February 2013 the federal government of Saskatchewan hired Insightrix Research to investigate the need for a provincial anti-bullying strategy, the Saskatchewan Government challenged Insightrix to develop and deliver the most effective public consultation process using both in-person interview sessions as well as using Insightrix Communities software for online engagement. The needs for researching bullying and coming up with a solid anti-bullying strategy within the province is great. Bullying is a serious issue in schools, work, and the community. The effects of bullying can pose long-term issues and complications. For the study Insightrix conducted in-person interviews coupled concurrently with Insightrix Community software. 16 in-person consultations were run throughout the province, which drew a total of 400 participants to these consultations. At the same time that these in-person consultations were running, Insightrix created an online community which both the government and Insightrix promoted. This online community led to 600 Saskatchewan residents joining the online community. Both the in-person sessions and the online community had moderator presenting questions which allowed the government and Insightrix to listen to residents and gather new insights regarding the topic. Based on the discussions both in-person and online Insightrix was able to compile a report detailing people’s thoughts and experiences regarding anti-bullying initiatives and strategies. The report showed that the online consultation was well-received by residents, and the dialogues conducted within the community were deep, and thoughtful providing insights that were unable to be gathered during the in-person sessions. The online community also allowed members from all over the province to participate creating a broader audience. The online community software allowed access to every single comment made, and allowed the government access to read, and monitor comments at any time. The online community stayed open two weeks past the in-person consultations allowing the findings of the in-person sessions to be tested with the online community.  By using geo-IP data the Insightrix Communities platform was able to show participation and input from all across the province. From the in-person sessions as well as the online community discussions Insightrix was able to come up with key findings about the type of bullying that goes on within Saskatchewan and help the government create policies to reduce bullying in schools, and the community and provide the support and education needed to combat it. By conducting the research online, as well as in-person the government was able to ensure inclusion for all geographic regions in the province. This was a great example of using research to guide policy making so that each community member could feel fairly represented. If you would like to find out more about how our online community software can be used to help you create policy please feel free to contact us. Want to read the full blog? Click Here Interested in more case studies? Check out others like it: CASE STUDY – Online Voting with 26,000+ Members https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/saskcanola-online-voting-case-study/ CASE STUDY – The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia Advertising Concept Testing https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/reiwa-advertising-testing-using-facial-expression-analysis/ CASE STUDY – City of Saskatoon Youth Engagement Strategy  https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/city-of-saskatoon-youth-engagement-strategy/...

If you have ever had to make the case for conducting more market research in your business you need look no further than the happiness survey conducted last year. Everyone wonders how they can be more happy, and many of the answers that people come up with are rather predictable, and often times incorrect. Many people think that making more money will grant them greater levels of happiness, yet in the study they found that those whose income were doubled only saw a .02 increase on a happiness scale of 1-10. There is much marketers could learn from this. In a recent article entitled Customer Happiness – Tackle Anxiety-Points (OECD Study) Marsden looked at a landmark study on the origins of happiness. The study was co-written by Lord Richard Layard and is based on a 200,000 participant research project across, Australia, U.S., and Europe. The headline of the study was, “Human happiness is flatlining.” Happiness levels have been measured for the past 50 years and there has not been any significant increase in those levels over time.  Marsden writes, “from a political perspective, this is odd since population happiness is the best predictor (.64) of whether a government gets re-elected (better than growth (.36), or unemployment (-.06), or inflation (.15)).” But what makes someone’s happiness increase? According to the study, it is through the absence of anxiety.   Want to read the full blog? Click Here Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: Why Your Brand Needs More Than Social Media Platforms http://insightrixcommunities.com/brand-needs-social-media-platforms/ Design Teams, Customers and Rebranding  http://insightrixcommunities.com/design-teams-customers-rebranding/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/...

PRESS RELEASE: February 14th, 2017  Words used by Saskatchewan Residents to Describe President Trump In a recent independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research Inc., opinions of Trump are largely negative. When asked what words or phrases first enter one’s mind, common responses include racist, bully, sexist, arrogant and egotist.  Concern In addition, concerns about the Trump Administration are high. Specifically, 66% of Saskatchewan residents report they are either somewhat (30%) or very (36%) concerned about the Trump Administration.     It is interesting to note that women (41%) are more likely than men (32%) to be “very concerned” about the Trump Administration. Further, those “very concerned” also tends to increase with age as 46% of those aged 55 or older are “very concerned”, compared to only 27% of those aged 18 to 34.   When specifically asked if President Trump’s policies will be positive or negative for Canada, 61% state they believe his policies will be either somewhat (40%) or very (21%) negative.  Women (26%), relative to men (16%) are more likely to state that President Trump’s policies will be “very negative” for Canada. Another 62% of residents believe President Trump’s policies will be either somewhat (28%) or very (34%) negative for the U.S. Regarding policies for the U.S., women (41%) are also more likely than men (27%) to believe President Trump’s policies will be “very negative” domestically.     Saskatchewan Residents Worry About Specific Details of the Trump Administration When asked about concerns with a  variety of elements related to the Trump Administration, many Saskatchewan residents show a high level of concern.  Residents are most worried about increased political tensions in the world with 76% saying they are at least “somewhat worried”, followed by the ability of the Canadian Government to stand up for our interests at 74%. Worries are lowest for increased racism in Canada and travel difficulties to the U.S., although roughly one half are still at least somewhat worried. Agreement with Travel Ban Specific to the recent travel ban President Trump imposed on specific nations entering the U.S., 62% of residents either strongly (42%) or somewhat (20%) disagree with this decision. Further, another 62% also strongly or somewhat disagree with the temporary suspension of refugees from entering the U.S. Research Details A total of 801 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on February 7th through 9th, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.    For more information, please contact: Dylan Cody, Senior Research Associate Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 238   For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

In a recent article entitled 3 Risks of Social Media-only for Building a Branded Community found on Stacy Jackson’s blog the author writes about the place of social media platforms and the importance of an online branded community. Social media platforms are changing and maturing, and this has great significance for companies. In the early days, companies were able to reach audiences of thousands for free, but those days are over now. Jackson writes that now savvy marketers are building their own branded communities as a way to create a bigger impact. Branded communities are not subject to the same rules and dangers of social platforms. Branded communities, allow for the company to have control of user experience and the attention and focus belongs to the host of the community. Promotions, and products discussed on the site are not shared with other competing brands. Social platforms can rise and fall while the branded community’s rise and failure is dependent on the brand. Further, the data in the branded community remains the property of the company, while on a social platform, care and control of the data is held by the platform itself.   Want to read the full blog on Social Media Platforms and Branding? Click Here Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: How Important is Humanizing Your Brand? http://insightrixdigital.com/how-important-is-humanizing-your-brand/  Customer Experience and Technology  http://insightrixcommunities.com/customer-experience-communities/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/...

Qual Day in Canada Early attempts at online and technology driven qualitative research have been successful, but the tipping point seems to be occurring more recently. Driving this evolution are numerous factors such as high speed internet connectivity, video streaming, mobile devices, facial recognition and eye tracking technology along with apps and cameras. In addition, millennial preferences and participant comfort with sharing media and ideas are pushing a rapid expansion in this area of research. These new methods are taking hold and expanding the opportunities to engage in qualitative research.     Eye tracking, EEG, and Emotions Measurement Live Presentation by: Lang McGilp Research Director, Insightrix Research While there are many tools available to utilize in your qualitative research projects, the aim is to always investigate phenomena that can be difficult to measure, providing a deeper understanding to people's emotions, attitudes and behaviours. This presentation will talk about the merits of using new emerging technologies and where traditional research can still shine. For those on site, we will show new methods that measure your brain activity (don't be scared!), track your eye movement, and read your facial expressions. Click here to view the presentation.          Want to hear the live presentation?  Enter your email and download the live recording.  ...

PRESS RELEASE: January 27th, 2017 In a recent independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research Inc., 84% of Saskatchewan residents report they are aware that changes to impaired driving laws have taken place in Saskatchewan this year. When specifically prompted with the following two impaired driving laws that took effect on January 1st, 2017, claimed awareness for each is high. Support & Impact of Law Changes A large majority say they support the two new impaired driving laws, although more are in favour of the law related to zero tolerance. Men are less likely to support the law related to 3 day vehicle seizures for BAC of 0.04% than women (70% strongly or somewhat support vs. 86%, respectively). Those of Indigenous ancestry are also more supportive of this law than those of non-Indigenous ancestry (89% vs. 77%). Support for the zero tolerance law is strong among both those between the ages of 18 and 21 (82%) and older residents (93%). Strong majorities believe the two new laws will make Saskatchewan roads at least somewhat safer, especially the addition of zero tolerance for all drivers aged 21 years and younger. Men are less likely to believe the 3 day vehicle seizure for BAC of 0.04% law will make roads somewhat or a lot safer (65% vs. 80% among women). Of interest, residents between the age of 18 and 34 are notably more likely to believe the zero tolerance law will make roads a lot safer than their older counterparts (43% vs. 32%).   Behaviour Change When asked if the new 3 day vehicle seizure for BAC of 0.04% law would impact one’s behaviour, more than four in ten say it would not. However, a sizeable proportion (35%) say the new law will have some or a lot of impact on their own personal behaviour. Claimed impact this new law will have on personal behaviour (some or a lot) is highest among younger residents and declines with age (42% among 18 to 34 year olds vs. 31% among those aged 55 years or older). Research Details A total of 801 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on January 10th through 12th, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For complete details: https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/    For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

Adobe Begins the Switch to the Cloud In a recent article by Patrick Seitz, entitled Adobe Systems CEO Touts ‘Textbook Transition’ To Cloud recently published on Investor’s Business Daily, the author got a chance to sit down with the CEO of Adobe Systems (ADBE) and discuss their overwhelming five year success, as well as the plans for the future. Recently Adobe has made the shift from selling desktop software such as Photoshop, Premiere and Illustrator to a cloud-based business model and expanded to a provider of marketing, and digital media software and services.  Seitz writes that Adobe is a crucial link for consumer-facing businesses who are seeking to transform their business digitally. This transformation happens through creating content and sharing this content over multiple social media platforms as well as understanding and tracking which content is making an impact with viewers. “Adobe brings together content-creation tools with data insights — allowing companies to determine such things as which online marketing and advertising campaigns work best and how people are engaging with their content.” The link between online marketing and insight is a crucial component for their customers.   Want to read the full blog? Click Here Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: Using a Community to Track Emotions During an Election http://insightrixcommunities.com/using-community-track-emotions-election/  Insight Community Data Should Tell a Story http://insightrixcommunities.com/insight-community-data-should-tell-a-story/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/...

This Bot Can Track Emotions  In a recent article entitled We Made a Facebook Messenger Bot to Track People’s Feelings about the Election looks at how The Washington Post created a bot to track emotions of a sample group leading up to the election. The bot named Feels was created to monitor and compile data regarding shifts in the news cycles during election times and how they were impacting this group. How the study took place was the newspaper asked readers each night how the election was making them feel that day. The participants were asked to respond using five emoji’s with the option to explain in one or two sentences. The emoji's ranged from a happy face to sad face to angry face. The following morning the bot would produce a report charting the emotions of the respondents from the day before, as well as some of the most interesting responses given by the group. Following the election the respondents were given a personalized report charting their feelings throughout the whole process.   Want to read the full blog? Click Here   Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: What Black Friday and Cyber Monday Have Morphed Into http://insightrixcommunities.com/black-friday-cyber-monday-morphed/  Insight Community Data Should Tell a Story http://insightrixcommunities.com/insight-community-data-should-tell-a-story/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/ No Love Affair for the New US President on Valentine's Day https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/sk-residents-concerned-trump/...

How Black Friday & Cyber Monday Have Changed  In a recent article on Digiday.com entitled 5 Charts Showing Why Cyber Monday is Doomed the author, Shareen Pathak, looks at the changing trends both with the relatively new consumer holiday Cyber Monday and it’s distinction from Black Friday. For many shoppers, the online sales are a new edition of Black Friday. Black Friday has been around since the 50’s and the term was first coined in Philadelphia by the police. In the 50’s massive amounts of people would descend into town on the day after Thanksgiving. Stores would take advantage of this throng of people and would promote big sales specifically for this day. The phrase “Black Friday” represented the calendar day for the police who were stuck working a long and busy shift creating a dread for the date. Cyber Monday named after its close relative Black Friday is slowly fading according to Pathak. It was first created by the National Retail Federation back in 2005. The idea behind its creation was that it would mark the start of the holiday shopping season.   Want to read the full blog? Click Here   Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: The Man Behind the New Microsoft http://insightrixcommunities.com/man-behind-new-microsoft/ Shoppers Want More http://insightrixcommunities.com/shoppers-want-more/ Crying Over Spilled Coffee http://insightrixcommunities.com/crying-spilled-coffee/ Black Friday & Cyber Monday in Saskatchewan – 2017 https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/black-friday-cyber-monday-saskatchewan/ ...