
The Stories of Market Research: the Insightrix Podcast (SoMR) is BACK for Season 3! And to celebrate, we are excited to reveal our brand-new podcast player! Same Great Content – Now With an Updated Look and Feel Our new podcast portal highlights each episode in a digestible layout, where season one and season two are fully accessible in one great location!  The update to SoMR is our commitment to providing the most quality podcast to our audience. As such, Insightrix has committed to making significant investments into our physical office space to provide innovative multimedia projects like the Stories of Market Research. Please find out more about these investments in Season 3 of our podcast. Season 3 Features Video Podcasting Season 3 of SoMR is PACKED with interviews from exciting guests within the mrx industry. Same great content, but with an exciting video podcast component! Our first video podcast series will focus on the rise and change of mobility, collaboration and innovation in the post-pandemic workforce, the future of commercial office design, and the critical role market research is playing to support businesses in making these decisions. Please keep your eyes peeled for this series to drop its first episode this month!   As you wait for the first episode in Season 3, why not jump into the portal and catch up on any earlier episodes you may have missed - now available in one easy-to-access portal. We look forward to sharing more about the innovation in-house in our upcoming season of Stories of Market Research: the Insightrix Podcast. As always, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on any significant podcast player and leave a review if you like our content! Visit the podcast portal below. ...

Using qualitative approaches is nothing new in research. It is often applied to help strengthen quantitative approaches to give answers to questions that cannot always be obtained by measurements alone. Qualitative research – as a broad approach – often employs in-person focus groups, in-person interviews or online survey open-end text boxes to tap into a respondent’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviours. Insightrix has been collecting qualitative data for years – and we’ve directly benefited from using these approaches to enrich survey data. Using qualitative data in online surveys can be engaging (and, dare I say… sometimes fun?) for respondents, while research groups find it easy and rewarding to support quantitative data - and that can be a game changer in presentations to your board members. In the past, Insightrix has employed qualitative tools for many exciting projects with partners and clients. We’ve used qualitative methods like: Observational research – like ethnography – and we have been served well by using this approach. Market research online communities (MROCs) – using MROCs in select research projects allows for much larger participant groups and exciting opportunities for survey design. Open-ended text questions on online surveys – these can be fun for participants and can really help provide researchers with a more complete picture Focus groups - we even travel across the nation to facilitate focus groups. Yes… still. In-depth interviews - for many consulting projects that require explicit details from participants, IDIs are essential. But what do all these approaches have in common? They require human intervention, human coding – and time. Yes, qualitative research takes time to dig into. It’s a way to uncover more about a subject rather than determining the research narrative by crunching the numbers. But when insights are wanted quickly and are expected to come with depth – are these qualitative methodologies the best approach to get the whole story? That depends. By using these approaches, will it take the research team time and effort to develop the insights? Absolutely. We know that, going into a new decade, our research participants are changing – they expect quick survey experiences, they appreciate best-in-class user design and have more immediate distractions than ever before. So, if our clients’ demands are changing and survey participants’ experiences are evolving rapidly – shouldn’t market research be innovating qualitative approaches at the same pace? Here are three ways to optimize your next qualitative research project that will appease both your research participants, as well as your clients:   Find a unique way to tell the story through another person’s lens. For example, if you are an ice cream producer who is curious about the visibility of your packaging in a specific chain superstore you operate in – you may want to conduct market research to find out what is most visible to your customers and who frequents these chain stores of interest. Your business would then work with a research team who may use an ethnography approach to answer this research question about your product and its visibility in stores. Ethnography would allow the research team to find participants who have purchased the ice cream in the past 12 months and those who frequent the chain store. The participant/ice cream connoisseur may be tasked with a research scenario that employs video response using an application to help the respondent tell their experience in their own words. The brand could follow up by asking about a competitor’s visibility and how it compares to your own. You could even have the participant travel to other locations to explore the same research question. While the incentive would have to outweigh the work involved for the participant, the research team would be able to gather rich qualitative data which the ice cream brand could then include in their next product packaging or distribution decisions. Let video responses tell a larger-than-life story for consumer research. Video is one of the most effective ways to provide a short survey experience for your participant. Not only does it provide the opportunity to see through the eyes of the consumer – it allows for rich storytelling that can bring life to research findings. Take Vox Pops – they are a fly-on-the-wall video research approach that are quick and cost effective, and they allow us to share market research information while gaining hot topic insights from the general population. Insightrix uses Vox Pop video research for consumer-curated content that gives greater engagement and deeper interaction with our brand. It gives us an opportunity to share video research with the general population who may be interested in the topics discussed while exploring the insights of the gen pop through video that is digestible for social media audiences. Vox Pops are quick and easy to turn around – avoiding the time a qualitative survey would take to set up. A short and informal interview can be a great way to simplify collecting public opinion that can be applied to many business needs – like marketing! We have recently done Vox Pops on subjects like quality of life, opinion on professional sports, holiday shopping and purchase habits – and even favourite beer brands! These Vox Pops can be done in 48 hours from question to completion. Use a video response tool to gain insights into your target market’s desires and expectations. One easy and cost-effective way to improve qualitative research online is the inclusion of video responses. Video responses can assess attitudes or immediate reactions associated with a question. Survey participants are more likely to elicit feedback and give the researcher more diverse data to evaluate. Video responses provide the participant the opportunity to answer authentically because they are in a comfortable setting using one-way communication – instead of driving to a strange facility or sitting on the other line of a one-on-one interview, answering thoughtful questions. This approach can provide video reels that capture multiple respondents’ answers and allow clients and stakeholders to view responses from the consumers themselves. Video insights are deeper than an open-end at the end of a market research survey – they provide an opportunity for the survey participant to tell an authentic story, they let the researcher ask for a unique answer and they give video research data that can be applied to internal stakeholder presentations that provide more depth than any well-designed PowerPoint slide. Video response questions can be applied in ad hoc market research projects – they require very little work to include in an online survey and provide a value add to any quantitative research project. Without being intrusive, video questions can be easily opted out of and the same question can be applied in other methods, so as not to lose data, and not have to re-involve your participants either. We do not require video responses to be mandatory, and we know the response rate is important. An extra (small) incentive to provide a video response is important – but so is the question you ask! Make the survey experience is rewarding and don’t ask a question that can be effortlessly typed out in a text box or that will create any bias. Ask a question that allows the respondent to share a story. Ask about an experience or get feedback on something they have just been shown – like a new logo or new product packaging. Video responses are a great storytelling solution for your survey that will both enrich your qualitative data while providing the top of mind feedback that can take your research report to the next level.   ...

Insightrix Holiday Spending 2019 has arrived! What is the Saskatchewan holiday shopping scene looking like for 2019? Did you know that this year, 93% of Saskatchewan residents plan to buy holiday gifts? And what’s more, 78% of those holiday shoppers expect to make at least some of their purchases online. The holiday shopping experience in Saskatchewan is as unique as the people who live here. So, we’ve developed a web report to let you know just how Saskatchewan shoppers plan to make their holiday purchases this year, how much they expect to spend and where they will be shopping. Whether you need to know because you’re a decision maker in the retail industry, whether you want to know because you like to keep an eye on what's happening in the Saskatchewan retail marketplace – or even if you’re just someone who is curious, Insightrix Holiday Spending 2019 has all the Saskatchewan-specific Christmas shopping statistics you'll want. What’s in Insightrix Holiday Spending 2019? Insightrix Holiday Spending 2019 has all of the up-to-date facts about the holiday retail experience in Saskatchewan. What’s more, it is deep on context, containing Saskatchewan holiday shopping intelligence that has been trending from 2015. Find out how just how many Saskatchewan residents expect to buy gifts during the 2019 holiday shopping season and how certain demographics will be spending. Learn about which proportions of residents expect to do their holiday shopping online in 2019 and who expects to do their shopping locally in brick-and-mortar stores. More than just that, you can discover how much residents expect to spend this year, what means of payment they will be using and how that compares to their holiday spending in previous years. Get an understanding of how discounts affect expected holiday shopping behaviour… and much more! You can access Insightrix Holiday Spending 2019 right here on the Insightrix website. hbspt.cta.load(374811, 'dfa7ed65-a26d-49d3-8eab-a45427eb22c7', {}); ...

The spookiest time of the year is back in Saskatchewan! Halloween in Saskatchewan 2019 is almost here, and we wanted to know how the folks in the province would be celebrating this hair-raising holiday. So, we ran an independent OnTopic® survey with 803 people from all over Saskatchewan with our online panel, SaskWatch Research®, earlier this month to learn how Sask. residents plan to spend their Halloween 2019. In 2019, more than half of Saskatchewan residents (64%) plan on celebrating Halloween. This is a slight increase since 2018, when 59% of Sask. residents said they’d be celebrating the holiday. In fact, it brings us almost back in line with the 66% of folks who planned on celebrating Halloween in 2017. Who exactly will be getting in on the frightful festivities in 2019? This year, more Saskatchewan women (70%) plan on celebrating Halloween than men (58%), and folks with one or more children in their household (84%) will be celebrating much more often this year than folks without kids (53%). Saskatoon and the northern parts of the province will be the Halloween hotspots this year, with 66% of respondents from both of those areas saying they plan on celebrating the haunted holiday. That’s not to say residents in other parts of the province aren’t getting in on the fun – 61% of those from Regina and 64% of residents from southern parts of the province also plan on celebrating Halloween 2019. So, how will Saskatchewan residents celebrate Halloween 2019? When we asked folks who would be celebrating Halloween what they’d be getting up to, we got back a wide array of responses. The most popular way to celebrate this year is hand out candy (77%), followed by decorate (47%), take the kids/grandkids trick or treating (42%), dress up in a costume (36%), watch a scary movie/TV show at home (30%) and eat your kids candy once they’ve gone to sleep (23%). This is all in line with what Saskatchewan residents got up to on Halloween 2018 when their answers to the same question were hand out candy (75%), decorate (49%), take the kids/grandkids trick or treating (46%), dress up in a costume (38%), watch a scary movie/tv show at home (27%) and eat your kids candy once they’ve gone to sleep (23%). One thing’s for sure, if you’re a kid this Halloween, you may want to sleep with your candy under your pillow! A Halloween Grinch? We also learned that there may actually be such a thing as a Halloween Grinch! Not only may the Halloween Grinch exist, it turns out there may be more of them than there were last year. In 2018, 1% of respondents said they planned to turn out the lights and hide when the doorbell rings on Halloween night. This year, that number has grown to 3%. Halloween cheer may not be for everyone, it seems. Staying safe on Halloween This Halloween, we wanted to know some of the ways Saskatchewan residents are keeping safe while they enjoy their macabre merrymaking. The Top 5 common-sense practices Sask. residents suggest include wearing bright/reflective clothing (31%), accompany children/supervised by adult (28%), check over candy (26%), go with a buddy/in groups (26%) and be aware of surroundings/watch for traffic (14%). Some other suggestions we received were drive carefully/don’t drink and drive (11%), curfew/avoid after dark (8%), only go to houses with lights on (7%) and stay in well-lit areas/avoid dark areas (7%). Remember to stay safe while you’re having fun on Halloween folks! What age is too old to go trick or treating? The age to hang up one’s pillowcase for good remains a topic for debate for Halloween 2019. Almost one third of Saskatchewan residents say you are never too old to trick or treat (31%), while a quarter say 11-13 years of age (25%) is the perfect age to give it up. Others state that 14 years old is the age to quit trick or treating (22%), and about the same number of residents think 15 years old (7%) and 16 years old (7%) are the right age. Still others debate that 10 years of age or younger (6%) should be the age to give up trick or treating, while some of those Halloween Grinches return to answer that kids shouldn’t be trick or treating anyway (2%). One thing’s for sure, when Halloween night comes around, we’ll be out with our pillowcases and costumes – and some of us MAY bring our kids. Maybe. Who’s Halloween for anyway? And speaking of kids and Halloween, there’s been some talk about who Halloween is for – the kids or adults? We asked Saskatchewan residents what they thought, and we found out that Halloween is seen by many as a holiday for both kids and adults (58%). About one third of respondents say that it’s a holiday for kids (31%) while 0% report it is a holiday just for adults. Those Halloween Grinches showed up again for this question too; 11% of Saskatchewan residents responded that Halloween is a silly holiday that’s not worth celebrating… Tell us what you really think, why don’t you? Top places to take the kids or grandkids trick or treating in Saskatchewan When it came to Top 5 places to take the kids or grandkids out trick or treating, many of the answers we received were pretty unsurprising. For the 42% of Halloween celebrators who planned to take kids or grandkids trick or treating, my/local neighbourhood/near home was the top trick or treating destination (29%), followed by the neighbourhood-unspecific (17%), around town/small town (13%), specific neighbourhood/town (12%) and friends/family houses (11%). What will you be doing for Halloween 2019? Whether you’re dressing up, taking the kids trick or treating, watching scary movies at home or eating your kids candy when they’ve gone off to bed, Halloween 2019 is sure to be a lot of fun for the 64% of Saskatchewan residents who plan on celebrating it this year. Research details A total of 803 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study between October 8 and 10, 2019. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province and as such the data did not need to be weighted. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable. Is there a question you’d like to ask the people of Saskatchewan? Do you have a question or group of questions about your business or a specific issue that you’d like to ask the residents of Saskatchewan? The Saskatchewan OnTopic® employs our 18,000+ strong SaskWatch Research® online panel and offers three sampling options: a representative sample of 800 Saskatchewan residents or, if greater accuracy is desired in one of the major urban centres, sampling of 400 residents in Regina OR 400 residents in Saskatoon. ...

Insightrix has chosen to prove its commitment to privacy by pursuing and achieving ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. The discourse around information security has changed and will continue to change how business is done. The future is in increased regulation and ever-improving standards management. Insightrix understands the importance of this business reality – that is why we invested 18 months of senior management time and significant investment in capital purchases and expert consultation to achieve the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification. “Implementing ISO standards proves our commitment to privacy and assures our clients that secure systems and procedures are in place at all stages of our business,” says Corrin Harper, Insightrix President. To become compliant, Insightrix underwent an extensive, 18-month company-wide audit of its quality management systems, a management system review, the enhancement of standard operating procedures and policies and the formation of a change management team. This was followed by an independent, three-stage audit process, including a five-day on-location assessment from an independent body. We are very proud to have taken this proactive step to further ensure our clients’ information remains secure and private. What is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 – Information Security Management System? ISO/IEC 27001:2013 is an information security standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It specifies best practices and procedures that relate to how companies can manage information security in a way that reduces overall risk. Organizations meeting the family of standards may be certified by an accredited certification body, following the successful completion of a formal audit. We chose to work with BSI Canada, a member of the intellectual accredited certification body based in Canada. Now that we’ve achieved this certification, we are committed to annual audits from our accreditor to ensure we maintain ISO standards and procedures. Failure to do so would risk losing our certification. In addition to maintaining compliance, we must also demonstrate continued improvement. Feel free to validate this certification with BSI. What does ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification mean for your business? Our certification means we have made a significant investment of time and resources to implement an ongoing Information Security Management System. It means our commitment to your data privacy goes beyond simple assurances; instead, it represents an entire management system that ensures data privacy and security is considered at every stage of Insightrix operations. Your IT security team, legal team, privacy team and procurement team may be very interested in our achievement, and we encourage you to share this information in your organization. Our certification means we are ready to demonstrate our commitment to data privacy when asked by your organization’s vendor management team. What’s next for us? ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification means our commitment to data privacy and information security is a way of life for Insightrix. Insightrix has the management framework and systems in place to ensure we can meet and exceed current and future privacy requirements in Canada and worldwide. Insightrix will continue improving, upgrading and maintaining our commitment to data security and privacy. Learn more about how you may benefit from our ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification by visiting: https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/iso-27001-2013-certified/ ...

Over the past year, we've introduced new business programs, launched eCommerce accessible reports and worked for our ISO 27001 certification. We've also made several upgrades to our physical space and got up to all kinds of initiatives and events that made the year really fly by. We figured we would share a synopsis of 2018 as we saw it - feel free to scan through the Insightrix 2018 Year in Review. ISO Certification Throughout 2018, Insightrix Research invested a great deal of capital and worked tirelessly with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in pursuit of obtaining ISO 27001 certification. And we are only months away from completing the process. This international certification means Insightrix will distinguish itself as having some of the most stringent information security management systems (ISMS) available anywhere. ISO 27001 certification goes beyond regular IT and data management security. It covers all aspects of information security and data management in our organization. Whether it is raw data, paperwork or even the physical space of the Insightrix offices, ISO 27001 certification means our clients can be assured their data and information is safe and protected. Securing ISO 27001 certification in 2019 will bring Insightrix ISMS closely in line with recent EU GDPR requirements and will set Insightrix apart in the national and international marketplace as a leader in information asset and data security. Insightrix AdCheck Launched Early in 2018 In early 2018, we launched Insightrix AdCheck – a new and innovative way of pre-testing advertisement creative. Suitable for individual ads or multi-media campaigns, AdCheck is the most comprehensive tool for assessing, predicting and optimizing the performance of advertising copy and creative. Insightrix AdCheck is a quantitative pre-testing solution that uses standardized copy-testing measures based on a battery of questions. With AdCheck, we can help execute ad testing projects quickly and build industry norms - all with metrics that are both easy to understand and to act on. eCommerce and Syndicated Reporting 2018 In April 2018, we added an eCommerce  storefront to the Insightrix website. Now, clients and those interested in purchasing our syndicated reports can conveniently access them directly though the website powered by Stripe. The 2018 Saskatchewan Social Media Report offers in-depth and representative analysis of social media habits and perceptions across devices and platforms. The Saskatchewan Media Democracy Report digs into device usage behaviours, media consumption habits, views on advertising, the online shopping behaviours of Saskatchewan residents and more. Both reports are quickly becoming recognized as an indispensable tool for targeted marketing intelligence in the Saskatchewan marketplace. New Features to SaskWatch Research in 2018 We've strengthened our already robust SaskWatch Research® member profiling system. We’ve added more and even deeper categories to ensure our clients get to consult the niche groups they need to engage with most. We’ve added specific profile categories and subcategories. These speak to general interests and spending habits, residency and newcomer status, specific occupations and distinct sub-fields of employment or activity and a whole lot more. By adding these categories, we can probe even deeper and be incredibly specific to choose the exact participants you need for your study. This provides actionable research that speaks precisely to your unique question. With these changes, we continue to provide the most accurate and relevant market intelligence about Saskatchewan possible. Continuous Development in Insightrix Communities 2018 was a year of team effort and client partnership at Insightrix Communities. As part of our commitment to providing the best customer service available, we’ve worked with our clients to develop a user experience that is second to none for the Insightrix Communities software – the only all-inclusive market research online community (MROC) platform available. By adopting an international focus in 2018 and through consultation with existing and prospective clients, we’ve tailored our MROC to be the most robust and worry-free online panel anywhere. Office & Focus Group Facility Upgrades In early 2018, Insightrix implemented several office upgrades and enhancements to amenities in our focus group rental facilities and meeting rooms, including connectivity and multimedia display capabilities. With these upgrades now in place, Insightrix is now able to offer the highest-quality focus group spaces available in the province. Podcasts & Publications Stories of Market Research: The Insightrix Podcast got its legs under it in 2018 and really hit its stride. What follows are the episodes of Stories of Market Research: The Insightrix Podcast we produced in 2018. Episode 3: Market Research & the Customer Experience In this episode of the podcast, we were joined by voice of market consultant and customer experience guru, John Morton, to discuss how customer experience is evaluated, why companies are focusing on this more and more lately and how market research can be used to make buyers’ journeys remarkable… Episode 4: Market Research & the World of Marketing In Episode 4, we were joined by President of the Saskatchewan Professional Marketers Assoc. and Manager of Marketing and Communications at the United Way of Saskatoon and Area (and local marketing wiz), Paige Gignac, to discuss the ways marketing professionals benefit from market research and her perspective on the place of market research in relation to the world of marketing… Episode 5: Careers in Market Research In this special episode of the podcast, we spoke with some of the younger researchers at Insightrix to get their unique perspectives on their careers. We discovered what led them to pursue careers as market research professionals and learn a few tricks and tips for those new to the field. The episode also features an interview with Insightrix Research Director, Lang McGilp, about the skills, abilities and background he looks for in researchers. This episode is a must-listen for anyone considering a career in market research...

Insightrix works with non-profits like the Saskatoon SPCA Insightrix works with non-profits in much the same way it does with for-profit businesses. That’s because non-profits have the same need for market research that any other business or organization has. These needs include brand studies, donor experience surveys, awareness surveys or any number of other forms of research.     Throughout late 2018, Insightrix worked with the Saskatoon SPCA on several projects to help them better serve their community. We are truly happy to work with great non-profit and not-for-profit organizations like the Saskatoon SPCA, and as an organization who loves animals, it was hard for us to think of a better organization to highlight over the holiday season. We couldn't resist sharing our reason for the importance of our research in animal services - our very own Chief Morale officer, Presley, and how much he has contributed to the positive culture at Insightrix. You can watch Insightrix President, Corrin Harper, and the Saskatoon SPCA Executive Director, Patricia Cameron, (and of course Presley) discuss how both organizations worked together, and why it is so important for brands to make better decisions with market research. Video transcript Patricia Cameron: Insightrix is quite a dream, really, to work with. People are friendly - they’re informed. They give you guidance on how to set up this research project. So, I would say it was effortless - and yet, the return was really rich. Obviously, being connected with your community and knowing what people expect, want, like, don’t like – that’s super important for a charity. It’s really the lifeblood of what we do. So, we’ve been able to take the research and immediately apply it to our business plan and our longer-term strategy. Well, we really appreciate that Insightrix is animal friendly, has an office dog and also did a provincial, pro bono survey on a very high-level animal neglect and abuse case. That work was really, really important in highlighting how important animal welfare is in the province, and we really thank Insightrix for that. Corrin Harper: Looking at doing some work in the non-profit sector, the SPCA was a connection both in terms of the importance of what we care about here, being animals, and also our everyday work that we do in research. That was a really nice connection and something I think we thought we could really get behind. Presley’s role, I mean, his official title is Chief Morale Officer and Head of Security. But in reality, he is just a mainstay here at Insightrix. He is something that cheers everybody up everyday. He just comes in and visits staff. He’s just, basically, here to make everybody feel comfortable and have a little bit of fun at work, as well. I was coming back into the city from a weekend at the lake, and saw this little, dark spot on the highway. I realized it was a little dog, so I pulled over to the side of the road, picked him up and put him into the car and drove him into the city. And as I was driving into the city, I was started to get a little bit of attached to him. So, I brought him into the office and staff just loved him, and he just sort of took to the place. And I think he kind of hit the doggie lottery because he gets to come to work every day, he gets treats during the day – I think he ended up with a pretty good life. Being president of a market research firm really gives a great opportunity to sort of help people out and I think that’s one of the passions that, I guess, myself and I’m sure a lot of the staff here have is being able to get up every day, come to work and help people make better decisions as a result of the information you’re providing. Whether that is for-profit business or a charity, it’s something that we can be passionate about, as well. Video by The Golden Media Company Learn more about other Insightrix projects through our case studies....

Insightrix sponsors pet adoptions at the Battlefords Humane Society   We’re over the moon that it’s time again to bring home the Insightrix 10! Every year, we like to sponsor the adoptions of 10 of the hardest luck cases at one of Saskatchewan’s animal shelters. We arrange to cover all fees associated with their adoption, and 10 animals get to find a forever home for the holidays. This year, we’ve sponsored 6 cats and 4 dogs from the Battlefords Humane Society. We’ve covered the adoption fees, spaying and neutering, microchipping and registration, your pet’s first vaccinations, a free vet check, 30 days of free pet insurance and a complimentary year’s registration with the Human Society. All these animals need now is a new friend to give them ride to their new, caring and lasting forever homes. Remember, pets are a big responsibility. Be sure you can provide a lasting and loving home before adopting. Meet the Insightrix 10 Blue is a 2-year-old blue heeler mix who has been at the shelter since October 10. He loves playing outside and going for walks, belly rubs and spending time with people. Blue will do best in a home without other cats or dogs, as he doesn’t share or play well with other animals. *Update - Blue was adopted on January 7! Congrats Blue! Hope is a 3-year-old Boston terrier/bulldog mix who was with the shelter since September 19. *Update - Hope was adopted earlier this week and is now happy at her new forever home. Dainty Daisy is a domestic shorthair mix who is just over a year old. She has been at the shelter for over a year now. She is a very unique and quiet cat who likes snuggles almost as much as she likes to show off and play – depending on her mood. She gets on well with other cats and enjoys the company of people. *Update - We are delighted to tell that Dainty Daisy found her forever home on December 31. Way to go Daisy! Noodle is a domestic shorthair mix who is almost one year old. Noodle came to the shelter last January so badly frozen that her ears were bent over and frozen solid. She has recovered well and now is a super sweet little cat who loves to play with her toys and her cat friends, and is always down for a good snuggle. Nova is a malamute/shepherd cross who was born at the Battlefords Humane Society shelter at the end of April this year. She is a super sweet and gentle dog with lots and lots of energy. Nova prefers being outside and loves playing in the snow. She comes complete with the famous malamute howl (which makes her popular at sing-a-longs) and likes to talk and express herself. *Update - We're happy to say that Nova found a new family and was adopted on December 14. Congrats Nova!  Skye is a husky mix who is 1 and a half years old. Skye came to the shelter in early October and has been there now for 2 months. She absolutely loves people, especially kids, and gets along well with other dogs – she's even good at making friends with cats! *Update - Skye was adopted on December 19 and she is happy she'll be spending the holidays with her new family. Congratulations Skye! Shiver is a 3-year-old domestic shorthair mix who has been at the shelter since November of 2017. When Shiver got to the shelter, he was badly injured and needed surgery to repair his pelvic bones, which were broken. Shiver has since recovered fully and is now a healthy, hearty and happy cat who just needs a home and a family. Elantra is a tortoise shell mix who is almost 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since March 2, 2018. When Elantra got to the shelter, she was badly frozen, especially her ears which she later lost. Having no ears has never stopped Elantra from being a super friendly and loving cat, who is happy to be anywhere there are people. *Update - Elantra was adopted to a new and happy home on December 27. Congratulations Elantra! Simon is a domestic shorthair has been at the shelter since mid-October of last year. He’s one and a half years old and is super friendly, loving cuddles, snuggles and chin scratches. Simon is a really loving and sweet cat.   Solar is a male shorthair mix who is just about 1 and a half years old. Solar has been at the shelter since September of 2017 – a little over a year at this point. He loves attention almost as much as he loves food – soft cat food is his favourite. He is a super relaxed cat, who can usually be found napping in the nearest sunbeam. *Update - Solar was adopted! He found a happy new home on January 9. Congrats Solar! Bring home the Insightrix 10! If you’d like more information on how you can help bring home one of the Insightrix 10, please contact the Battlefords Humane Society. We’ll be giving regular updates on the adoptions as they come. Follow our social networks and get all the latest news about the Insightrix 10. Insightrix Facebook Twitter Insightrix Instagram SaskWatch Research Facebook SaskWatch Research Instagram...

  It looks like it’s going to be spooky in Saskatchewan for Halloween 2018. We ran an OnTopic survey with 800 people from all over Saskatchewan on our online panel, SaskWatch Research®, earlier this month to find out how Saskatchewan residents plan to spend their Halloween in 2018 – and we found out that more than half of Saskatchewan residents (59%) plan to celebrate the spookiest holiday this year. This is less than the 66% who planned to celebrate Halloween in 2017. We also found out that about the same amount of men (60%) and women (58%) plan to celebrate Halloween in 2018, and that more folks with more than one kid in their household (77%) plan to get in on the fun than those without any children (48%). Saskatchewan residents of Indigenous ancestry (70%) are also more likely to plan to get in on the Halloween festivities.   What will they get up to for Halloween 2018? When we asked Sask. residents who said they planned on celebrating Halloween 2018, we got a whole range of responses. According to our survey, it looks like Saskatchewan residents are planning a traditional Halloween this year. The top responses we received were: hand out candy (75%), decorate (49%), take the kids/grandkids trick or treating (46%), dress up in a costume (38%), watch a scary movie/TV show at home (27%), eat the kids’ candy once they’ve gone to bed (23%), go to a haunted house (15%) and dress up the family pet in a costume (12%). Is it possible to be a Halloween Grinch? Maybe – as 1% of residents who plan on celebrating Halloween also plan to turn off the lights and hide when the doorbell rings.  Where will Saskatchewan trick or treat this Halloween? Saskatchewan residents have a whole lot of choices when it comes to where they plan to trick or treat this October 31. Of the folks who stated they were planning to take the kids or grandkids trick or treating, 38% said they plan to stick to their local neighbourhood/close to home, 17% said an unspecific neighbourhood, 14% stated they plan to trick or treat at friends’/families’ houses, 10% had a specific neighbourhood in mind and almost one in ten (9%) said they plan to hit up malls/businesses for their candy.  Stop trick or treating? At what age? We asked everyone who completed our survey what age they thought it was appropriate to hang up the pillow case for good and stop trick or treating. What we found out was that almost one third (31%) of Sask. residents think that you are never too old to trick or treat. Respondents between 18 – 34 years old (41%) and between 35 – 54 years old (35%) are more likely to hold this view than those over the age of 55 years (19%). Also, women (34%) are more likely to agree to the statement than men (28%). Of those who thought that trick or treating should have some age limit placed upon it, 28% believe that pre-teen (11 – 13 years old) is the age to give up the candy hunt. Grandma and Grampa agree – 36% of those over the age of 55 years think pre-teen is the right age to give up trick or treating. In descending order, here were the other responses to the question of what is the appropriate age to quit trick or treating: 14 years old – 23% 15 years old/16 years old – 6% 10 years of age or younger – 5% Kids shouldn’t be trick or treating anyway – 2% (What?! Come on folks!)    Lots of Halloween fun on the way for Saskatchewan! It turns out that many Saskatchewan residents are planning on getting in on the fun this Halloween. And many of those planning to celebrate Halloween have a range of plans for activities. Trick or treating remains a relatively popular activity, judging by the number of residents planning to hand out candy this year and take the kids or grandkids trick or treating - and the places they plan to go to get that candy are quite varied. What are you getting up to for Halloween 2018? Let us know through our SaskWatch Facebook account or on our Instagram account. We’d love to hear your plans! For more information, please contact: Marketing & Communications Coordinator Email: info@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca  Telephone: (306)657-5640 Ext. 240 About SaskWatch Research Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in 2007. Presently, there are over 18,000 active panel members, representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. Panel membership closely matches the 2016 Census, based on age, gender, household composition, household income and education. Optimize your research using Insightrix OnTopic® Omnibus Surveys Omnibus research is a quick and cost-effective effective research tool that doesn’t break the bank. Our monthly omnibus sample is random and representative: we set quotas by region, age and gender to ensure the sample matches the distribution of the population.  We provide guidance on question wording and ensure the results from your questions remain confidential and available only to you. ...

Lang will be giving a presentation relating to specific research done for Saskatchewan Polytechnic in regard to enhancing the experience of international and permanent resident students. In his presentation at the 2018 CIRPA Conference, Effective Integration of International and Permanent Resident Students, Lang will describe some of the insight gained from a recent project with Saskatchewan Polytechnic aimed at enhancing the experience of international and permanent resident students. During the project, Insightrix conducted in-person in-depth interviews with identified international and permanent resident students attending Saskatchewan Polytechnic campuses throughout the province to understand the challenges these students face. The presentation will focus on student interviews and identify challenges students face from the student perspective, from initial arrival to integration and the institutional supports required to make their transition successful. Insightrix is proud to be a Silver sponsor of the 2018 CIRPA Conference. The presentation will be held at 11:40 AM in the South Ballroom of Sheraton Suites Calgary Eau Claire in Calgary, Alberta on October 22. CIRPA The Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association (CIRPA) is a national association created to promote and advance the study and practice of institutional research and planning across Canada. Each year, CIRPA hosts an annual conference at which institutional research professionals meet to learn best practices, exchange information and ideas and network with colleagues. CIRPA Conferences comprise a range of workshops, presentations and panel discussions on varied topics pertaining to institutional research in Canada. This presentation will be the third presented by Insightrix at a CIRPA Conference since 2014. If you'd like to know more about the 2018 CIRPA Conference, or about the organization itself, visit the CIRPA website. ...