
What a great conference! Having attended the Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association conference for the past few years, I knew that I was in for a great time meeting friendly people and attending engaging sessions – and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. The food was fantastic, the venue was beautiful and, best of all, the sessions were packed with inspirational ideas and case studies from Canada’s best universities and colleges. For me, four themes stuck out at the conference: Quality Measurement Ensuring the quality of data collected remains an important issue for all researchers, and especially those at colleges and universities. Research best practices are changing to take into account important cultural shifts such as the increased use of mobile devices among students, the shift in the mixture of international and domestic students, and the changing dynamics of Canada’s economy. Not only are there important shifts in the demographics of students, but the increased thirst for more information within organizations is creating pressure for institutional researchers to ensure that data can be collected quickly and accurately. There were some great sessions on how to manage research initiatives from various departments to make sure that students are not being over-surveyed, some practical tips on methodology so that institutions could accurately compare their results to important benchmarks, and a whole lot of discussion regarding how institutions can make sure the data they are collecting is as accurate as possible. Doing More with Less With institutional research departments under pressure to do more with fewer resources, many sessions offered valuable case studies and suggestions for how IR could be made more efficient. This included improving the efficiency of the data collection processes, making the most of publically available data, multi-year planning strategies, time and money-saving techniques, and using the data IR departments have to monitor important metrics such as satisfaction and retention. Overall, it seemed that institutions were proactive in their approach to efficiency and it was paying off. There were many great insights from researchers in this area. Collaboration vs. Competition While in the past, many of the sessions at CIRPA conferences have focused on collaborative efforts between schools, this year there were a few sessions with a slightly competitive feel. Some discussed competitive intelligence while others discussed benchmarking their results against their peers to develop recruitment strategies. Meanwhile keynote Ken Coates urged institutions to work together to work on the access and image problem with regards to Aboriginal Canadians. His address was an inspirational call to action for institutions to collaborate on something that would be of general benefit. Clearly there are opportunities for institutions to work together to improve the performance in the sector overall. However, with fewer resources, competition between institutions is only increasing. I am interested to see how this trend evolves in the next few years. Internal Communication As a researcher, it’s difficult to be successful not only at measurement but also successful at implementation. I heard from several institutional research departments who were struggling with exactly the same thing that we struggle with as corporate researchers: how to distill all that great information down to a few actionable points that can be strategically implemented. I also saw some really great solutions at various institutions, tackling things such as positioning the Institutional Research Department within the organization, disseminating the results publically in the form of a blog, tips on data visualization, and increased functionality of research results such as the ability to search. Overall, the conference contained a lot of great insights. My favourite take-away? “DRF” – short for “Dean-Readable Format” – touches on all four key themes here: the challenge for the IR department is to efficiently collect accurate data and distill it to a small number of actionable insights that can be communicated and strategically implemented within the organization. Author: Briana Brownell...

I have spent nearly eight years in higher education and yet I was almost completely unfamiliar with the world of institutional research until I attended the 2013 conference for the Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association (CIRPA). As a sponsor, Insightrix had a presence at the CIRPA 2013 conference and I was delighted to attend this year’s event. Based on interactions with the individuals I had the pleasure of meeting, I must say that my first CIRPA conference experience was a complete success. CIRPA 2013 was truly a national event, bringing together people from across Canada (and even some individuals from the United States) to discuss important topics facing colleges and universities throughout the country. Although the topics of discussion varied, it became clear near the end of the conference that, no matter where in Canada an institution is located, common challenges exist. Recruitment, retention, inclusion, and development of an institutional culture were the common themes of the conversations I had with several delegates. Though each institution must implement unique solutions based on its specific demographics and geography, homogeneous challenges exist. Above the content and context I gained through conversation, the attitudes of each individual I spoke with truly made CIRPA 2013 a great experience for me. I was able to share laughs, discuss the local economy, and even point out the hip places to visit in Regina to out-of-town delegates. Everyone I spoke with was warm, friendly, inviting, and interested in learning about Insightrix. Something that was true during my time in higher education remains true: the people really make a difference. Blog by Dylan Cody...

Lang McGilp, Senior Research Executive with Insightrix Research, spoke at the North Saskatoon Business Association Club Connect meeting on October 25th, 2013 about the accuracy of political polling. His presentation covered some of the challenges facing pollsters in Saskatchewan or Canada in general and methods of mitigating such challenges. ...

Quantifying the potential success of a name, product, creative material, and packaging has always been challenging. A new method called Predictive Markets has shown promising results as a way to achieve accurate insights into the future of a concept, at a fraction of the time it takes to examine through other research methods. When New Yorker financial columnist James Surowiecki wrote the book The Wisdom of the Crowds, he shattered the conventional wisdom that a small group of experts is smarter than the masses. Using a variety of secondary sources, he argued that the aggregate wisdom of a crowd is more accurate than polling a trusted expert few. Insightrix has utilized predictive markets to help clients predict the success of their concepts. The predictive market simulates a stock market as it allows respondents to buy and sell shares in different concepts. The study typically includes the following steps: Insightrix designs an online predictive market tool where respondents can log in and participate in the market. Participants are provided with virtual cash and are able to invest as much or as little as they want into the concepts they feel would be most liked by other participants. Based on these investments, stock prices for the concepts dynamically adjust upward or downward. Price adjustments encourage participants to invest more, hold onto strong investments,      reinvest based on changing prices, or sell the investment in less popular concepts. At the conclusion of the market, the total value of participants’ portfolios determines a market winner. Insightrix can provide a detailed report clearly outlining which concept would perform the best in the market. Each concept’s share price reveals how well-liked the concept is compared with the others. The demonstrated advantages of the predictive market include providing a clearly quantified differential between the different concepts as opposed to traditional ranking questions on surveys. In many cases, Insightrix uses a predictive market to identify quickly those concepts with the most promise and then other methods (such as focus groups or in-depth interviews) to get a “deep dive” into what makes them great and how to improve them....

In a focus group, a moderator interviews several people at the same time. A typical focus group comprises six to 12 people (participants), but smaller groups can also be held. The reason that focus groups are held is to create and observe group dynamics. Group discussions stimulate dynamic conversations, which lead to discovery, exploration, direction, and insights regarding specific topics. Focus group sessions typically last between one and two hours: the length of a group will depend on the specific goals and the number of topics. Usually, a focus group research project consists of two to ten groups, although there can be more. The number of focus groups varies and depends on research goals number of topics segments schedule budget It is recommended that at least two groups be conducted. There are three ways to conduct a focus group: face-to-face, online, or by telephone. In each of these, moderators direct a free-flowing discussion about topics of interest such as products, services, brands, and advertisements. Focus groups usually occur in specially designed facilities where the rooms have one-way mirrors allowing managers and executives to listen to and observe the participants. The rooms also typically include audio and video recording equipment. A moderator asks questions, follows up with more questions, and keeps the conversation on track. A good focus group moderator makes focus group moderating look simple, yet it requires moderating skill and practice to do well....

Market research helps decision makers shift from intuitive information gathering to systematic and objective investigating. Some decisions, where there is a low cost for error, can be made quickly and based on instinct or other informal methods (such as feedback from salespeople or industry experts). Other decisions, where the cost of error is greater, require market research. Typical market research studies that are frequently conducted include the following: market segmentation studies advertising research and tracking customer satisfaction or experience surveys attitude and usage studies brand equity studies concept testing employee satisfaction research competitive intelligence market share studies mystery shopping price elasticity testing citizen consultation white When performed correctly, market research will reduce the chances that an organization will fail by providing the evidence needed to make the proper decision....

For some people, the term “research” conjures up images of scientists in laboratories studying furry little animals and conducting chemistry experiments. The term “marketing research” is often associated with telephone surveys or people standing at the exits of the local mall to “just ask you a few questions.” These latter examples of marketing research are only a small fraction of what market research comprises. In essence, marketing research yields relevant, accurate, and timely information about customers, members, and/or stakeholders and plays a critical role in managerial decision making. By knowing what customers, members, and/or stakeholders think, do, and want, organizations can put their marketing research results to creative use and make better decisions. Market research involves asking questions, listening to, and observing customers, members, and/or stakeholders. The methods used in market research include quantitative (e.g., surveys) and qualitative research (e.g., focus groups, in-depth interviews). There is, however, a very wide range of techniques that are used, including mystery shopping, online communities, ethnography, facial expression analysis, social media monitoring and analysis, and literature reviews, among others. The methods used in market research are based on a variety of disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, business/marketing, and statistics. The method that is chosen will deliver the best research design given the time and budget limitations....

A recent study of salaries for Calgary-based SAIT Polytechnic 2011 graduates conducted by Insightrix Research, Inc. for example, showed a median salary of $48,000 for full-time-training-related employment. Eighty-four per cent had found training-related employment, and a vast majority of those had stayed in Alberta. The apprenticeship model in particular can pretty much pay for itself from the outset, Mr. Thorson contends. “Typically these programs take four or five years to complete because they require a combination of on-the-job training and education. During that time they get paid a salary that is about 60% of what a certified journey person would make. In some cases, their employers also pay for the cost of the educational portion of the training. When certified, starting salaries range from $40,000 to as much as $100,000 depending on the market demand and skill.” For complete news story, click here. Source: Financial Post...