
If you have ever had to make the case for conducting more market research in your business you need look no further than the happiness survey conducted last year. Everyone wonders how they can be more happy, and many of the answers that people come up with are rather predictable, and often times incorrect. Many people think that making more money will grant them greater levels of happiness, yet in the study they found that those whose income were doubled only saw a .02 increase on a happiness scale of 1-10. There is much marketers could learn from this. In a recent article entitled Customer Happiness – Tackle Anxiety-Points (OECD Study) Marsden looked at a landmark study on the origins of happiness. The study was co-written by Lord Richard Layard and is based on a 200,000 participant research project across, Australia, U.S., and Europe. The headline of the study was, “Human happiness is flatlining.” Happiness levels have been measured for the past 50 years and there has not been any significant increase in those levels over time.  Marsden writes, “from a political perspective, this is odd since population happiness is the best predictor (.64) of whether a government gets re-elected (better than growth (.36), or unemployment (-.06), or inflation (.15)).” But what makes someone’s happiness increase? According to the study, it is through the absence of anxiety.   Want to read the full blog? Click Here Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: Why Your Brand Needs More Than Social Media Platforms http://insightrixcommunities.com/brand-needs-social-media-platforms/ Design Teams, Customers and Rebranding  http://insightrixcommunities.com/design-teams-customers-rebranding/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/...

In a recent article entitled 3 Risks of Social Media-only for Building a Branded Community found on Stacy Jackson’s blog the author writes about the place of social media platforms and the importance of an online branded community. Social media platforms are changing and maturing, and this has great significance for companies. In the early days, companies were able to reach audiences of thousands for free, but those days are over now. Jackson writes that now savvy marketers are building their own branded communities as a way to create a bigger impact. Branded communities are not subject to the same rules and dangers of social platforms. Branded communities, allow for the company to have control of user experience and the attention and focus belongs to the host of the community. Promotions, and products discussed on the site are not shared with other competing brands. Social platforms can rise and fall while the branded community’s rise and failure is dependent on the brand. Further, the data in the branded community remains the property of the company, while on a social platform, care and control of the data is held by the platform itself.   Want to read the full blog on Social Media Platforms and Branding? Click Here Interested in this topic? Check out others like it: How Important is Humanizing Your Brand? http://insightrixdigital.com/how-important-is-humanizing-your-brand/  Customer Experience and Technology  http://insightrixcommunities.com/customer-experience-communities/ The Rise of Marketing Technology http://insightrixcommunities.com/the-rise-of-marketing-technology/...

Product Development Insights Last week I was shopping with my 12-year-old relative who is a smart, active, sixth grader who enjoys spending her time dancing. Her mother is also very active, and enjoys yoga and like any yogi knows, Lululemon is the go-to store for yoga active wear. Lululemon went on to open a store where children under the ages of 14 could get their own active wear, called Ivivva. The store offers such activities as parent-child yoga classes on Saturdays at the store. We went into the store, and I was thoroughly impressed. What I found out after leaving the store shocked me even more. As we left the store, she told me that she had sent in suggestions for design. Like anyone involved in insight communities my interest was immediately peaked, since product development is a major strength of insight communities.   Click here to read full blog....

Rebranding can be a necessary step in changing the trajectory of a company. However, it does come with some measure of risk. Rebranding when done right seeks to take the successful aspects of a company’s service or product and carry those forward into the future, while shrugging off the failures of the past. Problems arise when the management in charge of the change fail to consult and test with the target audience. It seems rather simple, yet time and again you hear of case after case where the management seems satisfied, fails to consult with the intended audience and suffers accordingly. Take the example of the article we ran a while back on Rhode Island’s failed rebrand attempt. We believe that online communities can provide the support needed to make a rebrand go right, as they provide a space for the continual testing of products and services, with the target audience. In an article written by Michaela Mora entitled How to Avoid Rebranding Mistakes she recounts her time as Director of Research for Blockbuster online and how focus groups proved crucial for the rebranding process. Click here to read full blog....

Good customer service cannot be underestimated Sometimes these blog  posts are more cathartic than one can imagine. Recently I was having coffee with a friend and he began telling me his customer experience nightmare. His story is a first-hand account of what happens when customer service goes horribly wrong. I asked him if he would mind sharing his account for this article. But the most interesting part was asking him how he would feel the situation could be remedied. After all, it’s one thing to complain but it’s another to come up with a solution. Below is the account of my friend’s debacle. Click here to read full blog....

Marketers foresee personalized CX The Path to 2020: Marketers Seize the Customer Experience was an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by Marketo. The report looked at a global survey of 499 CMOs and senior marketing executives from around the world, as well as in-depth interviews. The research examined which technologies and customer trends are expected to change the marketing industry the most in the coming years. The report found that 86% of marketers identified the end-to-end customer experience as being their prime goal by 2020, meaning that they will become responsible for the entire customer journey. It goes on to cite the CMO at Marketo, Sanjay Dholakia, who thinks that the successful CMO will go on to earn an alternate title as CEO-but not chief executive officer- instead customer experience officer. The report goes through the checklist of owning the customer experience, from staying on top of multi-channels, learning to understand the customer along the customer journey, spreading information within a company rather than in silos, and understanding the ways in which customers expect to communicate. Click here to read full blog....