
Importance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is Growing in Saskatchewan. Support for Statutory Holiday in the Future is High. For Immediate Release: October 26, 2022, 10:00 AM (-6 GMT) A new independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research, Inc. shows one half (53%) of Saskatchewan residents say the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is important to them personally. A further six in ten (60%) believe greater emphasis is being placed on the day as the years go by.   Those of Indigenous ancestry (76%) are more likely to say the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is important to them than those of non-Indigenous ancestry (51%). However, those of non-Indigenous ancestry (62%) are more likely to believe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is gaining greater emphasis as the years go by than those of Indigenous ancestry (51%). As evidence of the greater emphasis being placed on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, over one third (36%) of Saskatchewan residents say they wore orange on September 30, 2022, with two out of three people of Indigenous ancestry (65%) doing so vs. 33% among those of non-Indigenous ancestry.   Further, six in ten (59%) note their employer honoured the day in some manner, most commonly by encouraging staff to participate in an activity or event (40%) or providing the day off (31%). Finally, support for making the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation a statutory holiday in Saskatchewan is high (70%).  Support is high among both those of Indigenous ancestry (83%) and those who are not (69%).  Support varies notably by age and region of the province. *** Research Details A total of 803 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study between October 12 and 14, 2022. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province, and as such, the data did not need to be weighted.  Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable.  However, the margin of error can be estimated to be ±3.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 for questions answered by all respondents.  About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research online market research panel in 2007, using high quality techniques, including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, over 20,000 active panel members represent all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Saskatchewan-based, full-service market research company. It serves businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For complete details, visit https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/. For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306-657-5640 ext. 229 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Insightrix Research Inc. (Insightrix) is a member of the Canadian Research Insights Council (CRIC) and confirms that this research fully complies with all CRIC Standards, including the CRIC Public Opinion Research Standards and Disclosure Requirements (https://www.canadianresearchinsightscouncil.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/CRIC-Public-Opinion-Research-Standards-and-Disclosure-Requirements-1.pdf) Survey questions: Here’s a new survey for you! It covers a few different topics… Ready? It should take about 8 minutes to complete and will earn you xx points. What are the first three digits of your postal code?Textbox Into which of the following age ranges do you fall?18 to 3435 to 5455+ What is your gender? MaleFemaleNon-binaryOther: ___________ How important was the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to you personally?Very importantSomewhat importantNot that importantNot important at all Did you wear orange in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation this year?YesNo Did you personally participate or attend any event or activity related to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation last week?YesNo Which of the following did your company / employer do for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation? Please select all that apply.[randomize]Paid day offEncouraged staff to participate in an activity or eventGave money to a charity / eventSold items tied to the daySomething else: ________________ [anchor]Company didn’t do anything for it [anchor]Don’t work / retired [anchor] In your mind, is greater emphasis being placed on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as the years go by? Why do you say that?Yes: _______________No: _______________Not sure Would you support or oppose the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation becoming a statutory holiday in Saskatchewan?Strongly supportSomewhat supportSomewhat opposeStrongly opposeNot sure Finally, we have some questions to help analyze your responses. Please be assured your answers will remain confidential and only be used in aggregate with other responses. How many children under the age of 18 live in your household?01234+Prefer not to say Are you an Indigenous person that is First Nations, Métis, or Inuit?YesNo Prefer not to say What is the highest level of education you have achieved?Some high schoolCompleted high schoolSome technical school or collegeCompleted technical or college diploma Some universityCompleted university degree (Undergrad, Masters or PhD)Prefer not to say What is your annual household income before taxes and deductions?Less than $30,000$30,000 to just under $60,000$60,000 to just under $90,000$90,000 to just under $120,000$120,000 or morePrefer not to say  ...

NEWS RELEASE: JANUARY 22, 2018 A new independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research® in partnership with CJME and CKOM highlights a tight race for the top chair in the Saskatchewan Party, and the new premier of Saskatchewan. Between January 9 and 17, 2018, we conducted an online poll with 1,004 randomly selected Saskatchewan residents from our SaskWatch Research® online panel. Out of these 1,004 respondents, 72 report being a Saskatchewan Party member. To increase the accuracy of our results among Sask. Party members, we conducted additional surveys, targeting only Sask. Party members. This resulted in a total of 104 Sask. Party members in our study. Note that in select cases numbers do not add precisely to 100% due to rounding. Who Would Make the Best Premier? When asked which of the five leadership candidates would make the best premier, a large portion of Saskatchewan residents are unsure (48%).  Ken Cheveldayoff emerges in the lead, but only 16% of Saskatchewan residents name him as the best choice.  Alanna Koch follows at 9%, with Gord Wyant and Scott Moe each garnering 5% of Saskatchewan resident responses and Tina Beaudry-Mellor just behind at 4%.  One in ten (12%) believe none of the candidates would make the best premier of Saskatchewan. Of note, among the 104 Sask. Party members polled within our general public survey, the findings differ somewhat.  Specifically, equal proportions believe Ms. Koch (22%) and Mr. Cheveldayoff (21%) would make the best premier.  Mr. Moe (13%) and Mr. Wyant (12%) earn roughly equal support and Ms. Beaudry-Mellor trails behind at 3%.  A sizable proportion of Sask. Party members (27%) are unsure which candidate would fit the job best and the remaining 3% feel none of the candidates would be the best as premier.   Saskatchewan Residents (n=1,004) Sask. Party Members (n=104)   Likelihood of Voting for the Sask. Party in the Next General Election Dependent on Leader Residents were next asked how likely they would be to vote for the Sask. Party in the next general election if each of the candidates were premier.  At this point in time, a large proportion state they are uncertain whether they would be more or less likely to vote for the Sask. Party regardless of who is selected as leader (roughly 50%).  However, a greater proportion say they are less likely to vote for the Sask. Party in the next general election regardless of who is leader of the party. This suggests that whoever becomes leader must prove themselves over the coming years to perform well in the next general election. *Calculated by taking the % of much more and somewhat more likely minus % somewhat or much less likely (example: Mr. Cheveldayoff: 11% + 13% - 9% - 19% = -4) Voter Intent - Sask. Party Members* Of the 104 survey respondents who report being a Sask. Party member, voter intentions vary slightly from public opinion on who is believed to be the best premier.  Out of the 104 Sask. Party members, 77 say they intend to vote (or have already voted) and have decided on their candidate selections. In the first round of candidate selections, it appears a fair amount of vote splitting may take place.  Specifically, Mr. Cheveldayoff and Ms. Koch are statistically tied with the most votes in our poll, yet Mr. Moe and Mr. Wyant also earn very similar vote counts to each other in the first round.  Ms. Beaudry-Mellor trails notably behind.  This means second choice candidate selection will likely be important in determining final voter outcomes.  Directionally, our poll suggests comparatively fewer Sask. Party members intend to vote for Mr. Cheveldayoff as their second choice, potentially limiting his impact in gaining momentum in each subsequent round of the voting process. *Caution is advised in interpreting the above findings due to the small sample size and larger margins of errors.  The estimated margin of error on “first choice” is ±11.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.  As such, these findings should be considered directional in nature, and actual voter outcomes could differ notably. Research Details A total of 1,004 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study between January 9th and 17th, 2018. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province and as such the data did not need to be weighted. An additional 32 surveys were completed, targeting only Sask. Party members to boost the sample size to 104 for questions related to Sask. Party member voting intentions. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable. However, had a probability sample been utilized, the margin of error would be estimated to be ±3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of 20 for questions answered by all respondents (n=1,004). The margin of error on voter intentions among Sask. Party members would be estimated to be ±9.6 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. About SaskWatch Research Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 18,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. Panel membership closely matches the 2016 Census, based on age, gender, household composition, household income and education.  http://saskwatch.ca About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service market research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For a PDF version of this release click here. For full details click here. For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

PRESS RELEASE: DECEMBER 14, 2017 With the one-year anniversary of the Honourable Charlie Clark’s election as the Mayor of Saskatoon, and the one-year anniversary of the re-election of the Honourable Michael Fougere as the Mayor of Regina having both occurred recently, Insightrix® asked residents to weigh in on how both mayors have performed through the past year. From December 5 through December 7, 2017, we conducted our own independent poll with 405 randomly selected Regina residents and 405 randomly selected Saskatoon residents from our SaskWatch Research® online panel. Here is what they told us. Perceived Levels of Approval for Both Mayors When asked how good a job they feel Mr. Clark has done over his first year as mayor, 44% of respondents state they feel Mr. Clark has done either a good or excellent job. Thirty-two percent (32%) feel Mr. Clark has done a fair job, while 9% believe he has performed poorly. Fifteen percent (15%) of those surveyed state they are unsure. Assessments of Mr. Fougere’s performance in his first year returning as mayor of Regina are somewhat less favourable. One third (33%) feel he has done a good job while a similar proportion (32%) say he’s done a fair job, and just under two in ten (17%) believe he has done a poor job as mayor since the most recent election. Eighteen percent (18%) of respondents stated they were unsure. Perceived Actions that Received Approval for Both Mayors When we asked residents of Regina what they thought Mr. Fougere had done well over his first year back as Mayor of Regina since his re-election, the top response was that he is professional/good leader (11%), followed by dealt with a difficult budget (9%) and improved/maintained roads (8%). Other responses are noted below. *Note that respondents could have provided more than one response which is why the following numbers add to more than 100%. Similarly, when we asked residents of Saskatoon what they believe Mr. Clark had done well since his election approximately one year ago, the most common response was attended the Pride Parade/community involvement (17%) followed by being seen as professional/good leader (13%), transparency/communication (9%) and did not raise taxes/tried to save money (9%). Other responses are noted below. *Note that respondents could have provided more than one response which is why the following numbers add to more than 100%. Research Details A total of 810 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on December 5 through December 7, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,500 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. Panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census, based on age, gender, household composition, household income and education. For more information, please visit SaskWatch. Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service market research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.  For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

PRESS RELEASE: SEPTEMBER 20, 2017 With the recently announced planned retirement of the Saskatchewan Premier, Brad Wall, from provincial politics, Insightrix was curious to learn how the public feels about his upcoming departure. Between September 12 and 14, we conducted our own independent poll with 800 randomly selected Saskatchewan residents from our SaskWatch Research® online community. Here is what they told us. Perceived reasons for retirement When asked why Brad Wall is retiring from provincial politics, a mix of sentiments is noted. Respondents provided text responses that have been reviewed and coded into positive, negative and neutral categories. At the overall level, three in ten (30%) residents cite positive reasons for his retirement, while 55% mention negative reasons for his retirement. One quarter (25%) are not sure. Note that respondents could have provided more than one response which is why the following numbers add to more than 100%.   Most commonly, residents believe Wall may be “getting out while he can” before negative outcomes could materialize or further materialize (29%), while others suspect he is doing so because of a loss in popularity (9%) or the potential of losing the next election (7%). Fully 6% specifically mention issues surrounding the GTH as a reason for his exit from provincial politics. In contrast, three in ten (30%) offer positive sentiments for potential reasons for his retirement, including that it is simply time to move on (16%), a desire for more family time (8%) and having accomplished desired goals during his tenure in office (4%), among other reasons.   Impact of the Premier’s Departure When asked if Brad Wall’s retirement will be a good thing or a bad thing for the province, and for the SaskParty specifically, opinions are divided. Four in ten (41%) believe his departure will be a good thing for the province, while one third feel the opposite (32%). One in ten (9%) believe his departure will have no effect on the province, and 19% are uncertain. In contrast, four in ten (40%) feel Brad Wall’s retirement will be bad for the SaskParty, and two in ten (22%) feel it will be good for the party. One in ten (12%) suspect it will have no effect, and one quarter (27%) are unsure. A greater proportion of Regina residents feel Brad Wall’s departure will be a good thing for the province.*   Impressions of Brad Wall’s Performance as Premier When asked to consider everything over the past 10 years, there is a mix of opinions regarding Brad Wall’s leadership of the province. One half describe his performance as excellent or good (52%), while a somewhat smaller proportion (44%) describe it as fair or poor. Opinions are largely consistent across age and region, although more males describe the performance of Brad Wall as excellent or good (men 58%, women 47%). Brad Wall’s Legacy When asked to comment on what Brad Wall will be remembered for (i.e., his legacy), a wide range of responses is noted, with a slim majority (51%) citing positive elements. Strong leadership and putting Saskatchewan first (21%), as well as economic growth, including making Saskatchewan a “have” province (18%), are most commonly cited. More than four in ten reference negative aspects such as deficits (8%), corruption and mismanagement (8%), privatization (7%) and the GTH scandal, specifically (7%).   Research Details A total of 800 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on September 12 through 14, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable. *For analysis purposes, the province has been divided into four groupings: Regina, Saskatoon and all remaining areas (south and north). The division of north and south are based on the first three digits of postal codes in Saskatchewan. This division is roughly a horizontal line that stretches across the province just south of North Battleford and Melfort. About SaskWatch Research Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. Panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census, based on age, gender, household composition, household income and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service market research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.  For complete details visit:  https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/ For more information, please contact Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

Saskatchewan residents are more likely to support the legalization of marijuana than oppose it. INFORMATION RELEASE: May 26, 2017 In a recent independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research, 58.6% of Saskatchewan residents express support (either strongly or somewhat) for the legalization of cannabis while 39.7% oppose (either somewhat or strongly) it. The remaining 1.7% prefer not to say. Overall, 27.1% strongly support cannabis legalization. This support is strongest among younger residents and tends to decline with age. Specifically, 37.7% of those aged 18 to 34 are strongly supportive, compared to 28.6% of those aged 35 to 54 and 16.6% of those aged 55 or older. Women (27.7%) are more likely than men (21.5%) to “strongly oppose” the legalization of cannabis. Likelihood of using cannabis if it were legalized While the majority of Saskatchewan residents (59.9%) state they are not at all likely to use marijuana if it were made legal, modest proportions (21.1%) say they are somewhat or very likely to try it. The proportion who say they are “very likely” to try it declines with age. Specifically, among those aged 18 to 34, 14.2% say they are very likely to use cannabis if made legal, compared to only 4.6% of those aged 55 or older.     Should those with cannabis convictions be pardoned if it were made legal? Opinions are divided on pardoning past convictions of cannabis possession. Most commonly, 36.0% of residents believe pardoning individuals currently convicted of cannabis possession offences would “depend” on the details of the offence. Another 32.9% do not think these convictions should be pardoned while 24.8% think they should be. Another 5.6% are not sure while less than 1% prefer not to say.   Research Details A total of 802 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on May 9 through 11, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and, therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For complete details….https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/   For more information, please contact Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

As part of its Data Insider series, Insightrix Research recently conducted an independent survey, using its SaskWatch® Research online panel, to learn Saskatchewan residents’ opinions and thoughts on the question of illegal migration between the U.S. and Canada. In the survey, respondents were asked their opinions regarding the measures put in place to stop asylum seekers crossing the border. Survey respondents were also asked their opinions regarding the allocation of further support resources to aid asylum seekers once they had reached Canada. Further, respondents were asked to describe their feelings and thoughts pertaining to Canada’s immigration system in one or two words.   Research Details A total of 802 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on May 9 through 11, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca....

PRESS RELEASE: April 20, 2017 Voter intent shows, if an election were held today, SaskParty is at the lowest approval level since Insightrix began tracking in 2009. For the first time since being tracked, support for the SaskParty has fallen below 50% in Saskatchewan. Presently, 44% of decided Saskatchewan voters’* state they would cast their ballot for the SaskParty while 40% would vote for the provincial NDP, and 5% for the Liberals if a provincial election were held today. Fully 4% would vote for the Green Party and 7% for the Progressive Conservatives. Presently, 25% of respondents say they are undecided as to whom they would vote for if an election were held today. * Those who name a party for whom they intend to vote, and those who are uncertain but name a party towards which they are leaning.   * Note the November 2009 statistic was from a similar poll conducted in partnership with Rawlco Radio. Budget Woes Those in Regina (60%) and Saskatoon (46%) are more likely to say they would vote for the NDP than those living in other areas of the province (32%). When asked to describe their thoughts about the budget in one word, a variety of adjectives are used. The following word cloud summarizes the common words provided. The larger the font size, the more frequently the word was said by respondents. Most adjectives are negative.   Budget Impact When asked which segments of the population will benefit most from or will be hardest hit by the budget, a mix of responses are noted. Most commonly, “the poor”, single income earners, the elderly, the education sector and the middle class are perceived to be most negatively impacted while the wealthy and the business sector are most likely to seem as benefiting from the budget.   Research Details A total of 803 randomly selected, SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study from April 11 to 13, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender and region to match the province’s general population. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample; therefore, margins of error are not applicable. Comparisons have been made to similar polls that used the same methodology, quotas and sample source.   About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques that include telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income and education. For more information, please visit: http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For complete details on our recent polls, please refer to: https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/   For more information, please contact Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

PRESS RELEASE: February 14th, 2017  Words used by Saskatchewan Residents to Describe President Trump In a recent independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research Inc., opinions of Trump are largely negative. When asked what words or phrases first enter one’s mind, common responses include racist, bully, sexist, arrogant and egotist.  Concern In addition, concerns about the Trump Administration are high. Specifically, 66% of Saskatchewan residents report they are either somewhat (30%) or very (36%) concerned about the Trump Administration.     It is interesting to note that women (41%) are more likely than men (32%) to be “very concerned” about the Trump Administration. Further, those “very concerned” also tends to increase with age as 46% of those aged 55 or older are “very concerned”, compared to only 27% of those aged 18 to 34.   When specifically asked if President Trump’s policies will be positive or negative for Canada, 61% state they believe his policies will be either somewhat (40%) or very (21%) negative.  Women (26%), relative to men (16%) are more likely to state that President Trump’s policies will be “very negative” for Canada. Another 62% of residents believe President Trump’s policies will be either somewhat (28%) or very (34%) negative for the U.S. Regarding policies for the U.S., women (41%) are also more likely than men (27%) to believe President Trump’s policies will be “very negative” domestically.     Saskatchewan Residents Worry About Specific Details of the Trump Administration When asked about concerns with a  variety of elements related to the Trump Administration, many Saskatchewan residents show a high level of concern.  Residents are most worried about increased political tensions in the world with 76% saying they are at least “somewhat worried”, followed by the ability of the Canadian Government to stand up for our interests at 74%. Worries are lowest for increased racism in Canada and travel difficulties to the U.S., although roughly one half are still at least somewhat worried. Agreement with Travel Ban Specific to the recent travel ban President Trump imposed on specific nations entering the U.S., 62% of residents either strongly (42%) or somewhat (20%) disagree with this decision. Further, another 62% also strongly or somewhat disagree with the temporary suspension of refugees from entering the U.S. Research Details A total of 801 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on February 7th through 9th, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.    For more information, please contact: Dylan Cody, Senior Research Associate Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 238   For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

PRESS RELEASE: January 27th, 2017 In a recent independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research Inc., 84% of Saskatchewan residents report they are aware that changes to impaired driving laws have taken place in Saskatchewan this year. When specifically prompted with the following two impaired driving laws that took effect on January 1st, 2017, claimed awareness for each is high. Support & Impact of Law Changes A large majority say they support the two new impaired driving laws, although more are in favour of the law related to zero tolerance. Men are less likely to support the law related to 3 day vehicle seizures for BAC of 0.04% than women (70% strongly or somewhat support vs. 86%, respectively). Those of Indigenous ancestry are also more supportive of this law than those of non-Indigenous ancestry (89% vs. 77%). Support for the zero tolerance law is strong among both those between the ages of 18 and 21 (82%) and older residents (93%). Strong majorities believe the two new laws will make Saskatchewan roads at least somewhat safer, especially the addition of zero tolerance for all drivers aged 21 years and younger. Men are less likely to believe the 3 day vehicle seizure for BAC of 0.04% law will make roads somewhat or a lot safer (65% vs. 80% among women). Of interest, residents between the age of 18 and 34 are notably more likely to believe the zero tolerance law will make roads a lot safer than their older counterparts (43% vs. 32%).   Behaviour Change When asked if the new 3 day vehicle seizure for BAC of 0.04% law would impact one’s behaviour, more than four in ten say it would not. However, a sizeable proportion (35%) say the new law will have some or a lot of impact on their own personal behaviour. Claimed impact this new law will have on personal behaviour (some or a lot) is highest among younger residents and declines with age (42% among 18 to 34 year olds vs. 31% among those aged 55 years or older). Research Details A total of 801 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on January 10th through 12th, 2017. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. About SaskWatch Research® Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research® online market research panel in October 2007, using high quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca. About Insightrix Insightrix is a dynamic, Western Canadian, full-service marketing research company. It exists to serve businesses and government entities with insights-driven research solutions, and interpretive analysis through leading-edge tools and senior-level expertise across a broad range of industries. Insightrix is based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. For complete details: https://insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca/market-research-industry-blog/    For more information, please contact: Lang McGilp, Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229 Cell: 306.290.9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca...

Insightrix’s Final Online Panel Survey Accurately Predicts Saskatoon Civic Election Outcome Much has been discussed about the Clark surge in the 2016 Saskatoon Civic Election. When a swing in votes happens over a matter of hours and days prior to Election Day, it can make polling very interesting.  But it is important to keep in mind that a poll is a reflection of opinion at the time the poll was conducted. In the case of Saskatoon, no publicly released poll identified Charlie Clarke to be in the lead. Based on the polls conducted before the election, the surge was dramatic in magnitude and happened over the last few days of the campaign. Below is the decided voter poll results conducted in Saskatoon for the past month, including one final Insightrix poll that was not released to the public.[1] The Insightrix poll, conducted for CKOM just prior to Mainstreet Research on Oct 20th – 22nd (Thursday to Saturday), showed Clark (30%) higher than the preceding Mainstreet Research poll (25% on Oct 18th).  Moore and Atchison support remained steady at 34% and 35% respectively. This slight increase for Clark showed the beginning of the surge. The day before the election, Insightrix conducted another poll with 600 SaskWatch Research® panel members which further emphasized the rapid shift in voting intentions for the Saskatoon Civic Election.  These results were not released given that such information would have been communicated to the public on Election Day. In this final poll, Insightrix Research had Clark in the lead. Research Details A total of 600 randomly selected SaskWatch Research® panel members participated in the online research study on October 25th, 2016. Quotas were set by age and gender to match the general population of the city. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable. Comparisons to the other Insightrix poll used the same methodology, quotas and sample source. This final study was an independent poll conducted by Insightrix Research. Insightrix continues to be proud of our SaskWatch Research® panel and the strength with which it can measure public opinion in Saskatchewan.  If you have any questions about our poll results, please contact: Lang McGilp Research Director Insightrix Research Inc. Tel: (306) 290-9599 Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca     [1] For the Mainstreet Research polls between October 4th and the 18th, a decided voter count is not posted on their website.  As such, a decided voter count was estimated based on removing the undecided voter count from the total and rebasing the responses....