
Ten years ago, the world was introduced to YouTube. Ever since, the media has been ripe with stories of viral videos. The videos are often seen as an overnight success, where uploaders will post something that they found funny, interesting, or absurd to show their friends.   At Insightrix Research, we set out to make a fun video that showed a little about who we are. Before we knew it, our “SaskatcheWHAT?!" slang-based video had a quarter of a million views and was featured in news outlets across the country including Huffington Post, CBC News and Global TV. The following white paper will highlight what makes a viral video, as well as the data, and feedback that we received from our video, which was entitled, SaskatcheWHAT?!    ...

This white paper provides an introduction to statistical and significance testing in market research and answers the following questions: What does statistical testing mean, how is it shown, and how should it be interpreted? Why are there multiple statistical tests, and how are they different? What do terms like “margin of error” and “nineteen times out of twenty” mean, and how are they relevant? Why is a margin of error not reported in online research?   Most of the time when doing marketing research, there is interest in differences between groups. Demographic groups, groups based on psychographics or attitudes, or any number of other slices and dices may be relevant to the researcher. However, for a non-researcher or a new researcher, entering the world of stat testing and interpretation can be daunting. Sometimes researchers forget that most people don’t look at research results all day, and we often forget that not everyone can eyeball a significant difference!...