
Understand the key drivers of reputation

Our CRi provides data on your brand that is there when you need it. It can be used as a standalone data source to supplement existing studies or to verify the need to study an issue more thoroughly.

Understanding corporate reputation is increasingly critical in our interconnected world. Corporate reputation management is central to a successful operation, and tracking reputation helps your company understand trends and perceptions. The best companies, including many in Saskatchewan, use corporate reputation as part of their business plans.


What’s included in CRi

Insightrix can help your company identify trends in perceptions of your company. Many industry-leading companies use our CRi measurements to gauge the impact of events and announcements on the reputation of their organization on an ongoing basis. This allows them to stay on top of both positive and negative buzz regarding their brand.


Our Corporate Reputation index® (CRi) measures and tracks key drivers of corporate reputation.



The package includes:


  • Data is collected weekly and the results are available through an online portal
  • Access to the portal to view current reputation scores and view tracking data
  • Ability to compare your reputation against peers and competitors
  • Ability to filter the portal results by demographic variables (age, gender, region)
  • Review comments submitted by respondents
  • Quarterly reports with key insights highlighted

For more information on pricing, analytics and brand reputation parameters, download the CRi brochure.