hermes award winner saskatchewan insightrix

Insightrix Named Gold Winner of Hermes Creative Award – Viral Marketing

The Hermes Creative Awards announced the winners for the 2015 international awards competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, writing and design of traditional and emerging media. Hermes Creative Awards was introduced as a way to recognize outstanding work within the industry.

This year, there were over 6,000 entries throughout 66 countries. Entries came from corporate marketing and communication departments, advertising agencies, PR firms, design shops, production companies, and freelancers.

Hermes Creative Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (www.amcpros.com). The international organization consists of several thousand marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, media production and free-lance professionals. AMCP oversees awards and recognition programs, provides judges, and rewards outstanding achievement and service to the profession.

AMCP judges are industry professionals who look for companies and individuals whose talent exceeds a high standard of excellence and whose work serves as a benchmark of the industry. Winners were selected from 195 categories grouped under advertising, publications, marketing/branding, integrated marketing, public relations/communications, electronic media, and pro bono. Approximately 22% of entrants won a Gold Award.

Insightrix Research Inc. is proud to be named a Gold Award Winner in the category of Viral Marketing for its video, SaskatcheWHAT?! Insightrix was the only Gold Award Winner in its category.

While creativity and ingenuity is extremely integrated into the culture at Insightrix, and something we continually strive for, we never dreamed that our fun, little video would turn out as successful as it did.

Special thanks to Huw, Dylan, and Douglas Evans of Eye Catcher Video for producing a fun and quirky video that inspired nationwide discussions regarding the slang and uniqueness of Saskatchewan.

If you still haven’t seen SaskatcheWHAT?! Watch it here!