22 Apr New Poll: Support for SaskParty Remains Solid
A new independent Insightrix Research online poll finds voter intentions remain steady since the 2011 general election.
Sixty three percent (63.2%) of decided voters state they would cast their ballot for the SaskParty, while 27.4% would vote for the provincial NDP if a provincial election were held today. Another 5.1% would vote for the provincial Liberals and 3.8% for the Green Party. Less than one percent (0.5%) report they would vote for another party. Voter intentions have remained strikingly consistent since the 2011 general election.
Leadership Approval Ratings
In line with voting intentions, public approval ratings for Premier Brad Wall remain very strong. Presently, 36% of Saskatchewan residents strongly approve of his performance, up notably from May 2013 (28%). Overall approval ratings (combining those who strongly approve and somewhat approve) have remained relatively consistent with past Insightrix polling (presently 66% versus 64% in May 2013). Approval of the Premier’s performance tends to rise with age (52% among those aged 18 to 34 versus 77% among those aged 55 years or more) and is higher among males (73%) than females (60%).
Approval ratings for Cam Broten, leader of the Saskatchewan NDP, are on the rise. Currently, 38% of Saskatchewan residents strongly or somewhat approve of his performance, up from 32% from May 2013. This is also higher than approval ratings for those previously at the helm of the NDP in recent years (32% for John Nilson in June of 2012 and 31% for Dwain Lingenfelter prior to the 2011 election).
Research Details
A total of 807 randomly selected SaskWatch Research™ panel members participated in the online research study from April 9th to 13th, 2014. Quotas were set by age, gender, and region to match the general population of the province. Since the research is conducted online, it is considered to be a non-probability proportion sample and therefore, margins of error are not applicable.
About SaskWatch Research™
Insightrix began developing its SaskWatch Research™ online market research panel in October 2007, using high-quality techniques including telephone recruitment and referrals from existing panel members. Presently, there are over 15,000 active panel members representing all regions of the province and distributions of the general population. The panel membership closely matches the 2011 Census based on age, gender, household composition, household income, and education. For more information, please visit http://saskwatch.ca.
About Insightrix
Founded in 2001, Insightrix Research Inc. is a full-service market research firm that helps clients develop, administer, and manage data collection and information strategies. From its office in Saskatoon, Insightrix offers a comprehensive range of research services.
For more information, please contact
Lang McGilp, Senior Research Executive
Insightrix Research Inc.
Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 229
Cell: 306.290.9599
Email: lang.mcgilp@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca
Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca
* Note that the November 2009 statistic was from a similar poll conducted in partnership with Rawlco Radio.