22 Oct Prince Albert Has Spoken: Insightrix Surveys PA Residents
A new independent Insightrix Research poll reveals what Prince Albert residents think about the state of the local economy, the development of the area north of the North Saskatchewan River, the addition of a new bridge and hospital, and where they most often buy their groceries.
Economic Satisfaction
According to the Insightrix Research survey, 69% of residents are satisfied with the economic development in Prince Albert over the past few years, with 56% being somewhat satisfied and 13% very satisfied. Almost one-third (31%) say they are dissatisfied, with 19% saying they are somewhat dissatisfied and 12% saying they are very dissatisfied.
When asked who needs to take the lead in creating the best environment and conditions for economic development in Prince Albert, 58% respondents say everyone needs to work together to grow the economy. Another 18% of residents indicated city administration should be in charge, 9% say provincial administration, 7% indicate private enterprise, and 2% of residents provided other responses. The remaining 6% were not sure who should take the lead.
Northern Development
When it comes to the development of the land north of the North Saskatchewan River, 81% of residents say it is important, with 38% indicating it is extremely important and 43% indicating it is somewhat important. Less than one in five (19%) say developing the area is not important, with 14% saying it is not very important, and 5% saying it is not at all important.
Residents who think development is important were asked what kind of development they would like to see in the area directly north of the river. They were able to indicate more than one response. Of those who think development is important, 56% indicate the land should be used for recreational development, 55% say it should be turned into industrial land, and 47% indicate the land should be developed for residential usage. Ten percent (10%) of respondents indicated other purposes and 7% were not sure what the land should be used for.
A Second Bridge
Insightrix asked residents how they would rate the importance of Prince Albert having a second bridge. Overall, 97% of residents say it is important, with 86% of respondents indicating it is extremely important, and 11% saying it is somewhat important. Only 2% indicate a second bridge is not very important, and 1% say it is not at all important.
Paging All Doctors
Over three-quarters (79%) of residents agree Prince Albert needs a new hospital, with 46% indicating they strongly agree and 33% indicating they somewhat agree. Just over one-fifth of residents (21%) disagree, with 15% indicating they somewhat disagree, and 6% indicating they strongly disagree.
Out of those who say Prince Albert is in need of a new hospital, the top two reasons cited for needing a new hospital are additional bed space needed (30%), and to cut down on long wait times (25%).
Clean-up on Aisle Nine!
Finally, Insightrix asked respondents where they buy their groceries most often. Almost half (44%) indicate they most often shop at Superstore, while 21% say they shop at Safeway. Less than one in ten (8%) residents shop at Walmart for their groceries and 14% get their groceries from Co-op. Another 3% of those surveyed say they shop at Independent, and 10% selected ‘Other’.
Research Details
A total of 350 randomly selected Prince Albert residents participated in the research study, which was conducted over the telephone (including both landlines and mobile phones) from July 22nd to July 31st, 2015. Quotas were set by age and gender to match the city’s population. The results for this study are considered accurate within ± 5.21 percentage points 19 times out of 20.
About Insightrix
Founded in 2001, Insightrix Research Inc. is a full-service market research firm that helps clients develop, administer, and manage data collection and information strategies. From its office in Saskatoon, Insightrix offers a comprehensive range of research services. Insightrix also owns and manages the largest Saskatchewan-based online research panel, SaskWatch Research™, which currently has over 16,000 Saskatchewan residents as members.
For more information, please contact
Mario Caceres, Senior Research Executive
Insightrix Research Inc.
Tel: 306.657.5640 ext. 258
Cell: 306.281.4434
Email: mario.caceres@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca
Web: insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca