Gaining Product Development Insights by Engaging with Adolescents

Gaining Product Development Insights by Engaging with Adolescents

Product Development Insights

Last week I was shopping with my 12-year-old relative who is a smart, active, sixth grader who enjoys spending her time dancing. Her mother is also very active, and enjoys yoga and like any yogi knows, Lululemon is the go-to store for yoga active wear. Lululemon went on to open a store where children under the ages of 14 could get their own active wear, called Ivivva. The store offers such activities as parent-child yoga classes on Saturdays at the store. We went into the store, and I was thoroughly impressed. What I found out after leaving the store shocked me even more. As we left the store, she told me that she had sent in suggestions for design. Like anyone involved in insight communities my interest was immediately peaked, since product development is a major strength of insight communities.


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