
Top Brands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba

We are pleased to invite you to Top Brands in Saskatchewan and Top Brands in Manitoba, a MRIA event hosted by the Prairie Chapter of the MRIA, and Majid Khoury and Insightrix Research.

These events will take place in the afternoons of April 25, 2017, in Regina, and April 26, 2017, in Winnipeg, and will give you the opportunity to connect with other marketing professionals and large brands in your area, and discover the right way to conduct research to build your brand strategy.

Some of the area’s top brands to be discussed include:

  • Manitoba Hydro
  • Saskatchewan Rush
  • Great-West Life
  • SaskTel
  • The Winnipeg Jets
  • Conexus Credit Union
  • And many others

    More information can be found below, as well as through visiting the MRIA website, at: 



Please sign up today, and join us!


Top Brands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba


Market research is one of the most important components in building a valuable brand strategy. Without a solid understanding of how your audiences currently perceive your brand, it’s difficult to strike the right balance of reality and aspiration in evolving your brand positioning.

Majid Khoury, an advertising strategist, and Insightrix Research will illustrate real life examples of Saskatchewan and Manitoba companies and describe how their brands are perceived.

With many local brands being studied, there is a chance your brand might be included! Come have lunch and find out!

The presentation will outline strategies and methods for conducting brand research. We’ll focus on research techniques that will help you gain a real understanding of people’s perceptions, beliefs and behaviours.

What you will take away:

  • What are the top brands in Saskatchewan and Manitoba
  • The right way to conduct research to build your strategy
  • Common mistakes organizations make when conducting market research
  • How market research informs your brand strategy.


Insightrix Research and Majid Khoury will be hosting this MRIA event over two afternoons in Regina and Winnipeg. Please join the Prairie Chapter of the MRIA in Regina on April 25, from 11:30 am until 1 pm in the Canadian South Room at Ramada Plaza (1818 Victoria Ave.), or in Winnipeg the following day (April 26) from 11:30 am until 1pm in the Promenade A room of the Norwood Hotel (112 Marion St.).

Cost of admission is $40 for MRIA members, $45 for non-members.

Register early, as seats are limited.

Please go to https://mria-arim.ca/membership/chapters/prairie-chapter/prairie-chapter-events to sign up and register for this exciting event.

Signing up is mandatory prior to registration.

If you encounter any difficulties signing up for the event, or if you have any questions, please email us at Corrin.Harper@insightrix.dev1.commandbase.ca