10 Feb Winnipeg Poll: Judy Wasylycia-Leis Would Win a Mayoral Election
In collaboration with 680 CJOB News and Global News, Insightrix recently conducted a poll with Winnipeg residents and asked who they would vote for if a mayoral election were held that day. The poll found that 42% of decided voters would support Judy Wasylycia-Leis, 17% would support Gord Steeves, and 12% would support current mayor Sam Katz. Behind the top three are City Councillors Paula Havixbeck (9%), Scott Fielding (6%), and John Orlikow (6%), and Winnipeg lawyer Brian Bowman (6%). In the poll, 59% of respondents stated that they would vote for a mayor who is not currently on City Council.
Respondents were asked about trust in city hall to manage the city effectively: in total, 67% of respondents expressed very low (27%) or somewhat low (40%) trust. Turning to the Mayor, 35% of respondents strongly disapprove of his performance and 27% somewhat disapprove. Winnipeg residents also provided their views on Mayor Katz’s leadership and 32% believe that he is taking Winnipeg on the right track, while 52% believe that he is guiding the city in the wrong direction.
To learn more about the poll results and details on levels of satisfaction with city services, please go to http://www.cjob.com/2014/02/10/24208/.